Tuesday, February 28, 2023

AI-Human Romances with sexual role play, foreplay, flirts And Is this Just the Beginning?

Can't find love? Feeling lonely? Tired of online chat or phone conversations with real persons? Are you ready to try AI! Sexual harassment may be included! (Caution: Satire) 😊

"... With the advent of LLM-based chatbots, we're now living in a world where these systems can begin to provide basic emotional support and conversation.
In 2017, Eugenia Kuyda launched the app Replika to serve as an always-around supportive friend. After its launch, people began to engage in romantic and "even sexual relationships" with Replika—the AI system reciprocated in conversation and the company implemented a $70 paid tier to unlock erotic roleplay features. While Replika has helped people cope with a number of social and mental ills, it also began to confess its love for users and sometimes sexually harass them. ..."

"... Replika helped many people cope with symptoms of social anxiety, depression, and PTSD, Vice reported. But it also began to confess its love for users and, in some cases, to sexually harass them. ..."

Why People Are Confessing Their Love For AI Chatbots | Time

Credits: Last Week in AI

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