Monday, February 27, 2023

A Lab Leak in China Most Likely Origin of Covid Pandemic, Energy Department Says

Very strange news! Why now? Why of all departments the energy department?

Both, Google and Bing search engines do not produce a search result of the original source of this news, only links to second hand media reports. The website of the U.S. Department of Energy does not present such a statement.

Is this part of the increasing tensions between the U.S. and China? To turn up the dial? This would explain the strange timing.

I have argued here in my blog for many months (or since about March 2021) that a lab leak is one of the likeliest and very plausible scenarios how the Covid-19 pandemic started (just click on the lab leak hypothesis label below; see e.g. here)!

Let's quickly recap a few things:
  1. China imposed strict secrecy, refused cooperation and any outside investigation into the origin of the pandemic. China was never sanctioned for this uncooperative behavior despite millions of death!
  2. The U.S. financed so called gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which in itself is very strange. It smells of circumvention of stricter U.S. regulations.
  3. Many leading scientists conveniently and vehemently dismissed a lab leak hypothesis. This too was very strange!
One major remaining question is, if we accept it was a lab leak, was the release intentional or an accident. If it was intentional, who was behind it and for what reason? The world is still waiting for answers from China and Xi Jinping!

A Lab Leak in China Most Likely Origin of Covid Pandemic, Energy Department Says - WSJ U.S. agency’s revised assessment is based on new intelligence

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