Sunday, September 18, 2022

When Western democracies become gerontocracies

It is becoming a trend! Ageing populations combined with ageing lifelong career politicians are its ingredients!

Look no further than the United States

Here we have the obviously demented and senile 46th President (79 years old). The Speaker of the House is 82 year old nutty and erratic Nancy Pelosi. Her cognitive abilities are not far behind those of the the President. The majority leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer is 71. He is significantly younger than the other two, but his mental decline is has been noticeable too.

What is at stake!

In general, older people are not in tune with current technology and culture! They are usually also slower to adopt to new things etc.

Gerontocracies may intensify tensions between younger and older citizens! We used to believe that the future belongs to younger people.

The United States is still the leader and champion of freedom around the world like no other country. However, with a demented and senile President, the many enemies of freedom have it easy and can relax!

What to do?

Term limits is definitely an option to prevent lifelong career politicians. They have become a caste like group in Western democracies and it is not beneficial. Had term limits already been in effect in the U.S., Joseph Biden and Nancy Pelosi would have long returned to a life outside of Washington DC politics.

Annual physical and mental health checkups for every elected politician over a certain age! These health checkups ought to be made public!

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