Thursday, April 28, 2022

U.S. federal government wants to ban menthol cigarettes to save black lives

Big Government knows best what is good for your health! Big Government is addicted to controlling your life and blames your nicotine consumption!

Do you detect naked systemic racism here: So black American smokers are too stupid to make the right decision for their own lives!

"They account for more than one-third of all cigarettes sold in the U.S. each year." (Source)

"While the White House reviewed the FDA’s plan to phase out menthol cigarettes—expected to be released by the end of this month—tobacco lobbyists, anti-smoking advocates, civil rights groups, and others clamored to have their say ...
Ban’s impact: Eliminating menthol cigarettes, the FDA says, could prevent 630,000 smoking deaths over 40 yearsmore than a third among Black people.
Why is menthol so dangerous? 
Menthol’s cooling effect “has been shown to make it easier to start smoking and harder to quit.”
Black smokers, 85% of whom use menthols, disproportionately suffer the negative health effects. ..."

Global Health NOW: Innovate Against Malaria; Covid-19 and Pigs vs. Antibiotics; and The Menthol Lobby

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