Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Harvard Medical Prof. Kale Says the Government’s Pandemic Response ‘Failed Miserably,’ Ignored Consequences of Its Policies


The enormous scope and magnitude of Western government failure and pretense of knowledge in response to the Covid-19 pandemic should become hard learnt lessons  in the annals of history! Add to this the highly exaggerated panic and hysteria fueled by Western elites! As if we lived in the medieval ages again! Rational thinking and common sense were in short supply! Future generations will hopefully learn from this!

Why SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 is a relatively harmless disease and why the cure was worse than the disease.

"... Kale, who made the comments in an interview on CNBC, said it was “a big mistake” to ignore economic considerations while responding to the pandemic.

“Public health is a balance,” said Kales, who last month published a letter on LinkedIn saying health officials should allow the young and healthy to “move on” from this pandemic. “How many businesses closed and did not make it through that first six to twelve months? A lot of these restaurants, their business is still way down. Large companies can survive, but a lot of small businesses have gone under. And that takes a toll on the health of people who work there or own those businesses.”

Kale described the public health response as a failure because it failed to take into account all the collateral damage of government restrictions. ..."

Harvard Medical Prof. Says the Government’s Pandemic Response ‘Failed Miserably,’ Ignored Consequences of Its Policies - Foundation for Economic Education Dr. Stefanos Kales, a professor of medicine at Harvard University, says the government's public health response to the pandemic has been "a big mistake."

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