Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Over-the-Counter Ivermectin in New Hampshire?

It is a very good question why so many medications are prescription only!
The power to prescribe medications given to doctors should be reduced!
More trust in the ability of citizens to make reasonable judgments about their health should be encouraged!
The costs for healthcare would go down!
Safety concerns are largely a red herring!

Government paternalism is mostly awful!

"A new bill recently introduced in New Hampshire would allow residents to get ivermectin from pharmacies without first getting a prescription or approval from a doctor. The legislation, titled House Bill 1022, is still in committee, but the state House of Representatives is slated to vote on it in the coming weeks. ..."

Over-the-Counter Ivermectin? It Could Be Coming to a State Near You—Despite FDA Concerns - Foundation for Economic Education The ivermectin controversy has sparked a wider debate about medical freedom.

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