Thursday, April 08, 2021

Biden Softens Tax Plan Aimed at Profitable Companies That Pay Little

The cognitively impaired president is cherry picking or is it some kind of government highway robbery! Who will be targeted next to pay more taxes?

This is not how tax laws should be applied! This is highly arbitrary and unpredictable! The 46th president has obviously no clue about economics and taxation! His tax policies are reckless! Contrast this with President Trump, who lowered taxes thus contributing to a booming economy!

"A 15% minimum tax on large, profitable corporations that is part of President Biden’s infrastructure proposal would affect far fewer companies than the version he campaigned on, according to details the Treasury Department released Wednesday.

The tax—aimed at companies that report large profits to investors but low tax payments—would apply only to companies with income exceeding $2 billion, up from the $100 million threshold that Mr. Biden pushed during the campaign. ...
The result is that just 180 companies would even meet the income threshold and just 45 would pay the tax, according to administration estimates that assume the rest of the administration’s plan gets implemented. Nearly 1,100 U.S.-listed companies would meet the $100 million threshold, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence."

Biden Softens Tax Plan Aimed at Profitable Companies That Pay Little - WSJ

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