Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Woke but Broke: How US Colleges Are Pricing Students, Themselves Out of Business

Very recommendable!

What inflation of personnel roles, cheap government loans, and slogans like college education for all can do! E.g. every staff busying themselves with diversity, inclusion, environmental justice or race theory and the like diverts admission revenue!

Online learning will hopefully correct some of these excesses of academia!

"... “The average price of college,” writes Arnold, “has more than doubled since 1980.” She adds that “[n]early 44 million Americans now owe more than $1.5 trillion in student debt.” ...
Several factors have contributed to widespread tuition hikes, including university expenditures that, Arnold suggests, aren’t directly related to students or education, but rather primarily to professional administration—that is, to the hiring of more deans and directors and officers to comply with the growing number of federal regulations and accreditation reporting requirements. ...
But what if universities had “skin in the game”?
That question underlies “income share agreements” by which universities subsidize a student’s tuition in exchange for a portion of the student’s future earnings. ...
As American colleges and universities have grown increasingly radical and progressive in their political messaging and orientation, they have financially exploited the very groups—the poor, ethnic minorities, and first-generation college students—that the left purports to champion. ..."

How US Colleges Are Pricing Students, Themselves Out of Business Whether their leaders realize or admit it or not, American colleges and universities are on the verge of a crisis. And it’s a crisis, by and large, of their own making.

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