Wednesday, April 21, 2021

46th U.S. President calls George Floyd's family after jury is sequestered

The cognitively impaired 46th President of the United States is fast becoming the worst president since President Franklin D. Roosevelt! The 46th President is actually emulating FDR!

A totally unhinged intervention by this president to call the family of a deceased person in an ongoing criminal trial against a police officer! This is so outrageous! A miscarriage/travesty of justice! As president to lead the mob rule is disgusting!

Is this not an impeachable offense by the 46th president?

"President Joe Biden called the family of George Floyd on Monday [4/21/2021] to let them know he was praying for them as the nation awaits a verdict in the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin, who is accused of causing Floyd’s death. ..."

Joe Biden calls George Floyd's family after Chauvin jury sequestered

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