Friday, April 30, 2021

Seeadler in den USA: Was vergiftet das Wappentier?

Empfehlenswert! Neues, natürliches Nervengift und neue Cyanobakterien! Eingeschleppte, invasive Wasserpflanze und deren Herbizide! Komplex! 

Seeadler in den USA: Was vergiftet das Wappentier? Seit fast 30 Jahren verenden zahlreiche Tiere in Nordamerika an einem natürlichen Nervengift. Auch der Weißkopfseeadler, das amerikanische Wappentier, ist betroffen. Nun weiß man mehr über das Umweltgift.

Electrifying cement with nanocarbon black

Amazing stuff! They say you can't teach an old dog (cement) new tricks! :-)

"... to make concrete more sustainable by adding novel functionalities — namely, electron conductivity. Electron conductivity would permit the use of concrete for a variety of new applications, ranging from self-heating to energy storage. Their approach relies on the controlled introduction of highly conductive nanocarbon materials into the cement mixture.  ...
By incorporating nanocarbon black at just a 4 percent volume of their mixtures, [researchers] found that they could reach the percolation threshold, the point at which their samples could carry a current.
They noticed that this current also had an interesting upshot: It could generate heat. This is due to what’s known as the Joule effect. ..."

Electrifying cement with nanocarbon black | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology A collaboration between MIT and CNRS has yielded a cement that conducts electricity and generates heat.

Here is the link to the underlying research article:

There is no climate emergency by Gregory Wrightstone

Recommendable! Carbon dioxide is a life essential trace gas! Remember, the last Ice Age ended only around 1850 or so! Then there was the Medieval Warm Period between 950 - 1250 AD!

"... Increases in carbon dioxide in the last 150 years, largely from the burning of fossil fuels, have reversed a dangerous downward trend in the gas’ concentration. During the last glacial period, concentrations nearly reached the “line of death” at 150 parts per million, below which plants die. Viewed in the long-term geologic context, we are actually CO2 impoverished. ...
Longer-term data reveal multiple warming periods since the end of the last major ice age 10,000 years ago, each warmer than today. There is a strong correlation between the rise and fall of temperature and the ebb and flow of civilizations. During the last three warm periods dating back 6,000 years to the advent of the first great civilizations, humanity prospered and great empires arose. Intervening cold periods brought crop failure, famine, and mass depopulation. ...
Modestly warming temperature and increasing carbon dioxide lead to longer growing seasons and more productive harvests. The world’s remarkable ability to increase food production year after year is attributable to mechanization, agricultural innovation, CO2 fertilization, and warmer weather. Crop and food production has seen only positive effects from relatively small changes in the global climate. ..."

There is no climate emergency - Washington Times

Genetic deletion of Nox4 enhances cancerogen-induced formation of solid tumors

Interesting research! Amazing stuff!

"... a certain tonic, constitutive low level of Nox4-derived hydrogen peroxide appears to reduce the risk of cancerogen-induced tumor formation. ..."

"Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause cellular damage and promote cancer development. Besides such harmful consequences of overproduction of ROS, all cells utilize ROS for signaling purposes and stabilization of cell homeostasis. In particular, the latter is supported by the NADPH oxidase 4 (Nox4) that constitutively produces low amounts of H2O2 [hydrogen peroxide]. By that mechanism, Nox4 forces differentiation of cells and prevents inflammation. We hypothesize a constitutive low level of H2O2 maintains basal activity of cellular surveillance systems and is unlikely to be cancerogenic. Utilizing two different murine models of cancerogen-induced solid tumors, we found that deletion of Nox4 promotes tumor formation and lowers recognition of DNA damage. ..."

Genetic deletion of Nox4 enhances cancerogen-induced formation of solid tumors | PNAS

How about more humor at the workplace or home office

Humor is timeless and healthy!

No kidding: "Humor, which study after study has shown leads to deeper trust between leaders and workers, as well as greater job satisfaction, will likely be reimagined in the post-COVID workplace, too. ... how to make levity a central feature of a company’s culture
“The workplace needs laughter,” Harvard Business Review declared in 2014. “Laughter relieves stress and boredom, boosts engagement and well-being, and spurs not only creativity and collaboration but also analytic precision and productivity.” ..."

Humor may be the surprising key to rebuilding trust—and reconnecting with coworkers again | Fortune

Freihändlerin Schweiz von Avenir Suisse


Freihändlerin Schweiz | Avenir Suisse Der Schweiz ist es gelungen, ein ansehnliches Netz an Freihandelsabkommen (FHA) mit 77 Partnern zu weben. Damit deckt sie aber nur 55% des Weltmarktes ab. China, USA und die EU weisen sowohl prozentual als auch nominell viel weniger Abkommen als die Schweiz auf. Singapur gelang hingegen mit wesentlich weniger Partnern (36) eine viel grössere Abdeckung des Welthandels durch FHA.

Soft on Crime: Delaware police officer who was brutally assaulted dies from injuries

This is a showcase what happens when law enforcement is lenient!
Not only did the alleged perpetrator kill a police office, he also assaulted to elderly persons, who had to be hospitalized. 

"Blaze Media's law enforcement source said that [the perpetrator] had been arrested more than 30 times since 2010 in Maryland alone. A search in the Maryland Judiciary Case portal returned at least 38 arrests, including those for assault, burglary, theft, trespassing, and more."

It begs the question, why was this repeat, hardened criminal still walking the streets and not incarcerated?

Delaware officer who was brutally assaulted dies from injuries; suspect now charged with murder - TheBlaze

From the Faucian Bargain: Covid-19 a severe seasonal influenza

On 2/28/2020, Anthony Fauci et al. published following editorial in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine. Since then we witnessed the "Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History"
It was the correct assessment by the most highly compensated federal employee Fauci in February of last year and it still correct, but since then ...

"... This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively. ..."

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted | NEJM

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Wie die grünen Klimarettungsziele Deutschland in die Verelendung führen

Sehr empfehlenswert! Die Grünen Nazis!

An Image To Capture The Trump Derangement Syndrome

How the swamp came after President Trump! This was almost a coup!


Meme about the 46th President of the United States

 I cracked up when I saw this on the news today:

FDA says it will ban all menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars

Big Government in action! Terrible government paternalism! Curtailing individual liberalism for no good reason other than raw government power!
This is blatantly unconstitutional!

According to a FDA news release dating 4/29/2021: 
"... In the U.S., it is estimated that there are nearly 18.6 million current smokers of menthol cigarettes. But use of menthol cigarettes among smokers is not uniform: out of all Black smokers, nearly 85% smoke menthol cigarettes, compared to 30% of White smokers who smoke menthols. ..." This makes this prohibition even more remarkable!

FDA says it will ban all menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars - STAT

The Plot: China becomes Global Superpower by 2050 while the West struggles with Net Zero

Recommendable! You have to admire the strategists of the Communist Party of China. Very clever! One of the oldest and most advanced civilizations is coming back! Add to this the SARS-Cov-2 lab leak hypothesis (see here, here)!

And what is the naive and spoiled West doing? The West has put on blindfolds and is mired in internal, domestic divisions, which are most likely instigated by the enemies of the West! The West is crippling its economies pursuant to phone ideologies. Like a Greek tragedy! Bravo and kudos to former President Trump, who tried to correct that! High time to read Sun Tzu's The Art of War again!

"This other vision is called The Hundred Year Marathon. And it’s like a mirror image of Net Zero, because it’s the Chinese Politburo’s elaborate and ambitious scheme to build up their nation’s economy and its global power so that by 2049, the hundredth anniversary of Mao Zedong’s seizure of power, China will be the world’s dominant superpower."

The Red-Green Menace | Climate Discussion Nexus

An unusually cold April around the Globe: Just weather

Recommendable! Why are we not bombarded anymore in the past 6-12 months or more with frequent alarmist reports that the global temperatures are rising further and further? Perhaps, the climate around the world is cooling off again! For that reason, the environmentalists including the cognitively impaired 46th President of the United States are pushing so hard to impose Draconian socialist measures to force a reduction in so called green house emissions!

I actually can confirm this unusually cold weather in April for Arizona! Many cloudy days with sub average temperatures! Little reason to turn on the A/C during day time. Evenings cool off quickly etc.

Just weather | Climate Discussion Nexus

Victor Davis Hanson: The New Antiracism Is the Old Racism

Recommendable! About "Antiracist Racism"

The New Antiracism Is the Old Racism › American Greatness The benchmarks of the Black Lives Matter and affiliated woke movements are overt racism, systemic untruth, and the hypocritical privilege of their elite architects.  

The Japanese American soldiers who helped liberate Dachau knew the shared history of anti-Jewish and anti-Japanese hate

As they say: Reality or history [or was it truth] is stranger than fiction! The rest is history!

"April 29 marks the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau, the longest-operating Nazi concentration camp. A lesser-known part of that day is that Japanese-American troops played a key role in the liberation of Dachau and its satellite camps. Japanese-American soldiers also rescued thousands of survivors of a Nazi death march nearby, caring for them until medical personnel could arrive. ..."

The Japanese Americans who helped liberate Dachau knew the shared history of anti-Jewish and anti-Asian hate - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Bundesverfassungsgericht: Art. 20a GG verpflichtet den Staat zum Klimaschutz und Klimaneutralität

Klingt überhaupt nicht gut! Ist nun auch das BVerfG einer Bananenrepublik Deutschland würdig geworden? Hat sich das BVerfG den Global Warming hoax und der Climate Change religion angenommen? Leider habe ich momentan wenig Zeit mich mit dieser Entscheidung näher zu befassen.

Alleine die Tatsache, dass das BVerfG sich des politischen, ideologischen Begriffs "Klimaschutz" offiziell angenommen hat ist ungeheuerlich!

"... Das Urteil ist ein später Sieg für Angela Merkel gegen Ende ihrer Amtszeit. Jetzt zahlt sich aus, dass sie zuletzt sogar ihren Vertrauten Stephan Harbarth als Präsidenten des Bundesverfassungsgerichts durchgesetzt und damit die Politisierung des höchsten Gerichts zu einem schaurigen Höhepunkt geführt hat.

Harbarth hat schon den extrem umstrittenen Migrationspakt für Merkel im Bundestag durchgedrückt; das Amt des höchsten Richters ist die Belohnung für den Juristen, dem allerdings die sonst geforderte Befähigung fehlt: Er ist kein Verfassungsrechtler. ..."

"... Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat den Gesetzgeber zu einer deutlich schärferen Klimaschutzpolitik aufgefordert. "Art. 20a GG verpflichtet den Staat zum Klimaschutz und zielt auf die Herstellung von Klimaneutralität", heißt es wörtlich in dem Beschluss. ..."

Bundesverfassungsgericht: Klimaschutzgesetz reicht nicht aus

Hier sind die offiziellen BVerfG links dazu soweit ich das ermitteln konnte, da die Tichys Einblick Quellen keine links enthielten:

Artificial intelligence ramps up speech therapy success for children and adults

Good news! Good business!

"... Approximately 1.5 billion people globally deal with voice, speech or language impairments. For therapy to be effective, it must be supported by consistent at-home practice, and that is one of the myriad ways AI can help. ...
Speech language pathologists (SLPs) use games and props to engage children in their sessions. TikTalk’s cloud-based virtual assistant brings that aspect home, motivating kindergartners to sixth graders to practice the articulation skills they’re learning in speech therapy consistently and accurately. ...
“We started from stuttering and expanded to various speech-language disorders and then to dyslexia and then to entire special populations – a $100 billion annual market in the US. In Israel, that includes occupational and physical therapy and psychological counseling,” ...
The platform’s AI, natural language processing, personalization algorithms, big data and machine learning technologies help clients maximize outcomes and help professionals track individual performance and manage back-end aspects including resources, scheduling, compliance reports and insurance reimbursement."

Artificial intelligence ramps up speech therapy success - ISRAEL21c

Scientist develops instant automatic, and non-invasive skin cancer detection technology

Good news! Cancer is history!

"... This new detection method has been successfully tested on 100 patients at a major Israeli hospital ..."
Scientist develops instant non-invasive cancer detection tech - ISRAEL21c

"... he accepted diagnosis process involves manually observing a suspicious lesion through a Dermascope (i.e., a magnifying glass), followed by a biopsy. This process relies on the skill and the experience of a dermatologist. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no accepted automatic, noninvasive, and rapid method for the early detection of the three types of skin cancer, distinguishing between them and noncancerous lesions, and identifying each of them. ...
We developed a fiber‐optic evanescent wave spectroscopy (FEWS) system based on middle infrared (mid‐IR) transmitting AgClBr fibers and a Fourier‐transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR). We used the system to perform mid‐IR spectral measurements on suspicious lesions in 90 patients, before biopsy, in situ, and in real time. ...
Five of the lesions measured were identified as melanomas, seven as BCC, and three as SCC. Using mathematical analyses of the spectra of these lesions we were able to tell that all were skin cancers and we found specific and easily identifiable differences between them.
This FEWS method lends itself to rapid, automatic and noninvasive early detection and characterization of skin cancers. ..."

Pioneering study aims to enable humans to talk to Sperm whales

Amazing stuff!

"... The new interdisciplinary Cetacean Translation Initiative (CETI) kicks off this week at a press conference in Dominica in the Caribbean, where the project will take place. University of Haifa scientists will be joined by colleagues in marine biology, marine acoustics, artificial intelligence, and linguistics from Harvard University, The City University of New York (CUNY), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Imperial College London, U.C. Berkeley and others. ...
The Sperm whale, which is considered a vulnerable species, has the largest brain on Earth, more than five times heavier than a human’s. Like humans, it also has a complex communication system and lives in tightly knit family groups. ..."

"Project CETI (Cetacean Translation Initiative) is a transdisciplinary research initiative bringing together leading technologists, roboticists, cryptographers, linguists, and marine scientists to study the communication of the world’s largest toothed predator: the sperm whale.
In the late 1960s [not very long ago], scientists, including Dr. Roger Payne, a guiding member and principal advisor of Project CETI discovered that whales sing to one another. His recordings, Songs of the Humpback Whale, sparked the “Save the Whales” movement, one of the most successful conservation initiatives. ..."

Pioneering study aims to enable humans to talk to whales - ISRAEL21c In an ambitious five year project, top Israel, US and UK research institutes plan to learn how to communicate with Sperm whales. What WILL they talk about?

The project website:

Arthur Wellesley: The Iron Duke of Wellington

Recommendable! Learn about the wars of Britain against Napoleon in India, Portugal, and Spain. It was not only the defeat Napoleon suffered in Russia in 1812, but also against Wellington in Portugal and Spain that ultimately ended the reign of Napoleon.

Chaka Khan - Ain't Nobody (Official Music Video)

Enjoy! Loves me better! Put your arms around me!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Biden admin using force of law to crush political dissent

Very recommendable! Very concerning! Shocking! Bravo Tucker Carlson! Excellent work Tucker!
Is the 46th President fas becoming the worst President of all times? Within the first 12 month, he may have already accomplished that! He already has been trying hard to imitate the worst President (Franklin D. Roosevelt).

Mr. President, you're tearing us apart with U.S. Senator Tim Scott (SC) with the Republican response

This is what systemic racism in America looks like! (Caution: irony)

Giuliani's son addresses reporters after Federal raid

Recommendable! Very concerning! Shocking!

Remember, no one of the Obama administration has yet been criminally charged for e.g. abusing the FISA court and other unlawful acts!

The European Commission Search Engine: A Joke

This is what the EU Commission search engine looks like: Cumbersome, not intuitive, almost useless unless you are an EU bureaucrat (compare that to e.g. Google or Bing):

You wonder what they are hiding! Not to mention, when you visit the EU Commission website you are prompted like half a dozen times about cookies, data privacy etc.! Very annoying!

Is it so difficult and complicated to provide e.g. two options for the search engine interface: 1) A basic one similar to Google or Bing 2) A detailed one like the one shown on the scree print above

I wanted to search for a very recent competition infringement decision against several European and U.S. banks, but I had to give up here. Too much hassle! When I used the other general purpose search function on their website to look for Credit Suisse (one of the banks involved), the search results returned were totally useless. All of them were related to the country Switzerland instead of the bank! Such ineptitude is stunning!

Bravo Brexit and the British people! 

Bilder einer Bananenrepublik Deutschland

Wer einen Gartenzwerg zum Bundespräsidenten macht! 

Pseudoscience: Anthropogenic Climate change has cost 7 years of agricultural productivity growth

Cornell University and Stanford Univ are also a purveyors of phony ideologies like the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion! The first author of this featured research article is an associate professor of applied economics (not an expert on climate) at Cornell University. The last author is with Stanford University. The first author is clearly a zealot of the Global Warming hoax/Climate Change religion!

Who popularizes such pseudoscience: McKinsey & Company via Bloomberg news

The first thing to notice is that the researchers used the very controversial term "anthropogenic" in their title. Any reasonable researcher would have avoided that! This should have also been a flashing warning sign to any reviewer before accepting this article for publication in a Nature journal!

The second thing to notice is that Cornell University and the first author invoke the seven year famine as outlined in the Bible (see Genesis)!

To declare a 21% TFP loss over 60 years is equivalent to a loss of TFP growth of the last seven years is very dubious! 

The effort here is very complex, multidecadal and covering the whole globe at the country level! "The latest climate models" are themselves dubious!

Is it not possible that overpopulation, wars and civil strife, or dictatorships may have contributed to some loss of TFP. The abstract of the study is silent on other, perhaps more relevant explanations!

In conclusion, this research article has more the quality of a political hit piece than serious scientific research! Shame on Nature Climate Change for accepting such a paper!

Just take a look the few countries with negative TFP growth (in yellow color on the world map below). There is e.g. the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is the second largest country in Africa. It was ruled by megalomaniac dictator from 1965-1997, since then this country has been plagued by civil war etc. In Angola we find a similar situation! How stupid were these five authors of this study?

"... The scientists and economists developed an all-encompassing econometric model linking year-to-year changes in weather and productivity measures with output from the latest climate models over six decades to quantify the effect of recent human-caused climate change on what economists call “total factor productivity,” a measure capturing overall productivity of the agricultural sector. ...mans have already altered the climate system, Ortiz-Bobea said, as climate science indicates the globe is about 1 degree Celsius warmer than without atmospheric greenhouse gases. ..."

"... Our baseline model indicates that ACC has reduced global agricultural TFP [total factor productivity] by about 21% since 1961, a slowdown that is equivalent to losing the last 7 years of productivity growth. The effect is substantially more severe (a reduction of ~26–34%) in warmer regions such as Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. ..."

Climate change has cost 7 years of ag productivity growth | Cornell Chronicle

Here is the link to the underlying research paper:

Anthropogenic climate change has slowed global agricultural productivity growth (open access)

Woke but Broke: How US Colleges Are Pricing Students, Themselves Out of Business

Very recommendable!

What inflation of personnel roles, cheap government loans, and slogans like college education for all can do! E.g. every staff busying themselves with diversity, inclusion, environmental justice or race theory and the like diverts admission revenue!

Online learning will hopefully correct some of these excesses of academia!

"... “The average price of college,” writes Arnold, “has more than doubled since 1980.” She adds that “[n]early 44 million Americans now owe more than $1.5 trillion in student debt.” ...
Several factors have contributed to widespread tuition hikes, including university expenditures that, Arnold suggests, aren’t directly related to students or education, but rather primarily to professional administration—that is, to the hiring of more deans and directors and officers to comply with the growing number of federal regulations and accreditation reporting requirements. ...
But what if universities had “skin in the game”?
That question underlies “income share agreements” by which universities subsidize a student’s tuition in exchange for a portion of the student’s future earnings. ...
As American colleges and universities have grown increasingly radical and progressive in their political messaging and orientation, they have financially exploited the very groups—the poor, ethnic minorities, and first-generation college students—that the left purports to champion. ..."

How US Colleges Are Pricing Students, Themselves Out of Business Whether their leaders realize or admit it or not, American colleges and universities are on the verge of a crisis. And it’s a crisis, by and large, of their own making.

David Horowitz on Black Supremacy

Very recommendable! Long article, lot's of details! I blogged here about this phony ideology!

I am afraid he is only describing the tip of an iceberg and it is narrowly focused on the Nation of Islam (Louis Farrakhan), BLM and its fellow travelers.

"... The Nation of Islam [founded in 1930] is a racist religion, headed by America’s most virulent, anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-gay bigot, who is also black: Louis Farrakhan. According to Wikipedia, the Nation of Islam has an estimated 50,000 members ... 
From January 2009 through December 2014, ["civil rights activist" and Reverend Al] Sharpton visited the Obama White House on 72 separate occasions, including five one-on-one meetings with the president and 20 meetings with staff members or senior advisers. ...

Black Supremacy | Frontpagemag

Von der Leyen felt 'HURT & ALONE' in Turkey 'sofagate' chair snub

Incredible! Her whiny speech as President of the European Union leaves you almost speechless! This protege of the German socialist chancellor Merkel is so pathetic! Her hairstyle is always perfectly coiffed in public! Daughter of a politician! Career politician for now almost 20 years or so!

If you can't stand the heat get out of back into the kitchen (proverb modified to suit gender equality)!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Wie würde Wilhelm Tell heute aussehen?

Schiessen ist ihr Beruf: Europameisterin Nina Christen Europameisterin, Weltcup-Siegerin, Olympia-Sechste: Die Nidwaldnerin Nina Christen gehört zu den besten Gewehrschützinnen der Welt. Für ihren Sport hat sie sogar ihr Studium abgebrochen.

Frequently politics is mere and persistent exploitation of fears and superstition

Although, we live now in the 21st century, with all its accumulation and command of knowledge gained over several millennia, politics is still often driven by exploiting the fears and the superstition of the people.

Latest examples: Global Warming hoax, Climate Change religion, Covid-19 pandemic response etc.

Why are politicians still successful with such obviously fabricated manipulations? 

One of the main culprits why people are still so gullible: Government run education of our children (previously I blogged e.g. here, here about it)! The rather uniform and homogeneous indoctrination of our children happens right there! It is long overdue to largely remove government from operating our schools and the determination of curricula! Eliminate compulsory education! Privatize public education of our children! How about that for real diversity! Let parents decide what their children learn! Give poor parents vouchers etc.
Let free markets and individual liberty handle the education of our children! Let public education compete with free market private education! In the age of online learning this can even be achieved much easier!

Our elected politicians are themselves very often products of that same government run public education!

If you want a better future for yourself and your children choose small and little government and more individual liberty! Back to the basics of the Founding Fathers and Mothers!

Staatsanwaltschaft bestätigt: Hausdurchsuchung bei Weimarer Richter wegen "Rechtsbeugung"

Seltsame Dinge tragen sich in der Bananenrepublik Deutschland zu unter der SED Kanzlerin Merkel!

Staatsanwaltschaft bestätigt: Hausdurchsuchung bei Weimarer Richter wegen "Rechtsbeugung" Ein Familienrichter aus Weimar hob für zwei Schulen per einstweiliger Verfügung die Maskenpflicht auf. Jetzt wurde nicht nur das Urteil gekippt, es wird auch gegen ihn ermittelt. Gegenüber TE bestätigt die Staatsanwaltschaft Erfurt, dass Privatwohnung und Büro des Richters durchsucht wurden.

Bilder einer Bananenrepublik Deutschland

Am deutschen Wesen wird die Welt genesen: Irrsinn damals und heute!

Erkenne die Zeichen der Zeit: Sternchen (*)!

Anfangs war es vielleicht lustig und unterhaltend, aber seit geraumer Zeit ist es ein Plage!

Im Nachruf auf die SED Kanzlerin Merkel wird es einst heißen, dass sie die Sternchen in die Republik gebracht hat!

Trump praises Maricopa County election audit, says Democrats will seek to undermine the effort

We the citizens of America are waiting for nearly six months that this crucial full audit and recount is conducted in Maricopa country, Arizona! The Democratic Party is doing a lot trying to prevent it.

Trump lost by less than 11,000 votes in Arizona! Maricopa county with 4.5 million population represents represents over 60% of Arizona's total population of 7.4 million.

"... A new judge has been tasked with overseeing a Democratic legal challenge brought against the audit after the original judge assigned to the matter recused himself from the case."

Trump praises Maricopa County election audit, says Democrats will seek to undermine the effort | Just The News

Harvard University: John Kerry discusses relationship between climate change and national security

This is so pathetic, the dumbest member of the administration of the cognitively impaired 46th President talks at the elite Harvard University about the Climate Change religion! What is he smoking that he speaks in delirium or doomsayer!

"Climate change is increasingly being recognized as a factor in global security as floods and drought displace populations and famine and disease destabilize governments.

“The climate crisis is just that,” said former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, now the special presidential envoy for climate change, at a daylong Harvard symposium Friday. “But it is also a national security issue.” ...
“We know that the climate crisis can produce countless refugees,” he said, detailing climate issues that uproot populations, from food insecurity and drought to floods. Such conditions, he said, “become a cauldron for extremist organizing and proselytizing.” ...
“If climate change is an existential threat it should be dealt with as other existential threats are,” Kerry stressed. “But we are not.”"

John Kerry discusses relationship between climate change and security – Harvard Gazette Former Secretary of State Kerry calls it one of the biggest threats facing the nation

Harvard University: The fight for environmental justice and racial justice

One of the elite universities of the United States in a crusade based on phony ideologies! You can't make this up! What a hodgepodge of subjects are mixed together here!

Who hires graduates from this university? Who attends this university voluntarily?

"“Unequal” is a multipart series highlighting the work of Harvard faculty, staff, students, alumni, and researchers on issues of race and inequality across the U.S. ...
The coexistence of air pollutants and communities of color isn’t an anomaly, says Hannah Perls, J.D. ’20, but is representative of the environmental injustices that many communities of color across America live with. .."

Harvard affiliates working to right the wrongs of discriminatory policy – Harvard Gazette Harvard affiliates at the Law School and School of Public Health are working to right the wrongs of decades of discriminatory policy

Skyscrapers and Steel Forge the Modern City

Very recommendable! The first U.S. skyscraper was the Statue of Liberty! Meet the roughnecks! Where did the rogue gallery come from? How the other half lives! Who was George E. Waring Jr.? Enter Menlo Park! Triangle shirtwaist factory fire! And much more ...

Monday, April 26, 2021

‘It feels like a sick joke’: UN elects Iran to women’s commission


'Joe Biden's stupidity is now a threat to the West' with Andrew Bolt

Very recommendable! Yes, it is very shocking! Biden's climate summit was a freak show!

Biodegradable Plastic to counter plastophobia

Human ingenuity can deal with any hysteric, irrational, and fabricated crisis like plastic pollution!

Do not vote for politicians who promise to prohibit or to make plastic artificially more expensive or to drastically regulate plastic! Don't be fooled!

See also my previous posts e.g. here, here

Here is more promising recent research on this topic:
A new technique could make some plastic trash compostable at home Embedding enzymes in the material causes it to rapidly break down without creating microplastics

Global Emissions Goals come with a $110 billion price tag by 2050

The most expensive boondoggle ever! When the ruling elites live in a bubble of the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion! God have mercy!

This is an unprecedented attempt of a power grab by the ruling elites!

And a cognitively impaired 46th President of the United States is the cheerleader! What a wonderful world (Caution: irony)!

"... The International Renewable Energy Agency, an intergovernmental organization based in Abu Dhabi, said in March that the world would need to invest $115 trillion through 2050 in clean technologies, such as solar power and electric vehicles, to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. ..."

Global Emissions Goals Come With Big Cost and Political Hurdles - WSJ Large global polluters such as China, India and the U.S. have pledged to switch to cleaner energies, but such overhauls would require hefty funding and deft political maneuvering

Milestone: Over 1 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered worldwide

Absolutely stunning! 1,025,601,967 doses as of 4/26/2021 (source)! Within a few months as many doses were administered as about one eighth/ninth of the world population! 

Unprecedented in human history!

Are we better prepared for a possible biological weapons or biological terrorist attack? You bet!  Be vigilant! Pray to God it never happens!

Germany's biggest postwar financial scandal: Wirecard

Recommendable! SED Kanzlerin Merkel lobbied für Wirecard in China? 
Anscheinend hat die Bafin auch ganz schön versagt! Und Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz? Man kommt aus dem Staunen nicht raus, wie die 4 big accounting firms (PWC, EY, KPMG, Deloitte) immer wieder davon kommen.

Eine der short sellers von Wirecard in New York Stadt! The lady said she does not have much faith in Olaf (Scholz). There were other financial scandals in Germany before. Hold all politicians accountable! Perhaps, she should manage my retirement account? 😄

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The First Crusade and the Jews with Henry Abramson

The crusaders were not exclusively going after Muslims in their pursuit to conquer the Holy Land. About 5,000 Jews were massacred along the way, in particular, in Germany in the Rhineland region! Jews sought refuge with catholic bishops. Some of the bishops were willing to help, but they were in the end too powerless to stop the massacre. Jews defended the Holy City with Muslims and were massacred for it.

This is what systemic racism in America looks like

Is this just a black man acting white like Uncle Tom? Maybe it is just a white actor with black shoe polish on his face a.k.a. as blackface like they used to do it in the film industry several decades ago? (Caution: irony)

Perhaps, the cognitively impaired 46th President from Scranton, Pennsylvania should have a meeting or phone call with this attorney general from Kentucky! 😄

U.S. Representative: Kathryn C. "Kat" Cammack (Fl, R)

Keep an eye on on this politician! You might be seeing and hearing more from her!

Kat Cammack - Wikipedia

Black lives don't matter when the killer is a black man

This 18 year old black man killed a seven year old girl and severely injured her father in a drive by shooting at a McDonald's on April 18, 2021! The girl was shot six times! This happened in traditionally Democratic Party run Chicago! How much does the Dimocratic Party black major of Chicago Lori Lightfoot care? Not much, I suspect! 

Why are there not any of the usual protests? Where is BLM? Why does the cognitively impaired 46th President not call the family of this killed girl. Will the family of this girl receive a $27 million settlement from the city like the George Floyd family?

What say you moron and multi millionaire LeBron James? Nothing?

Everybody in their right mind knows that black on black violence has been rampant in America for many years, but little or not enough has been done about it neither by the black community nor by the Dimocratic Party! Former President Obama famously waxed about this problem, but what has he done about it during his 8 years in office or his wife or his vice president!

By the way many news outlets would not even show a picture of the alleged killer, but they don't mind to show pictures of white police officers! You wonder why!

7-year-old Jaslyn Adams shot and killed at Chicago McDonalds - TheBlaze

International Olympic Committee proposal for changes to the Olympic Oath

The phony ideologies of the day invade further into sports! Horrible! Boycott the Olympic Games! I recommend, athletes refuse taking this new oath! As an athlete, I would only recite the old oath!

"... Below is the proposal for changes to the Olympic Oath (which was approved by the IOC EB):

“In the name of the athletes”, “In the name of all judges” or “In the name of all the coaches and officials”.

“We promise to take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules and in the spirit of fair play, inclusion and equality. Together we stand in solidarity and commit ourselves to sport without doping, without cheating, without any form of discrimination. We do this for the honour of our teams, in respect for the Fundamental Principles of Olympism, and to make the world a better place through sport.” ..."

IOC Athletes’ Commission’s recommendations on Rule 50 and Athlete Expression at the Olympic Games fully endorsed by the IOC Executive Board - Olympic News

Althusmann: Union sollte Kanzlerschaft auf zwei Amtszeiten begrenzen

Bravo! Warum ist Bernd Althusmann nicht Kanzlerkandidat geworden an Stelle der laschen Lusche Laschet!

Die Amtszeiten der Bundestagsabgeordneten und Ministerpräsidenten der Länder sollten aber von einer Amtszeitbegrenzung nicht ausgenommen werden! 😄

Althusmann: Union sollte Kanzlerschaft auf zwei Amtszeiten begrenzen Die Amtszeit künftiger Kanzler der Union sollte auf zehn Jahre begrenzt werden, fordert Niedersachsens CDU-Vorsitzender Bernd Althusmann im Interview. Die Union sei durch Merkels lange Amtszeit träge geworden.

Pseudoscience: Sex differences in Covid-19 mortality vary across racial groups

The prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology is also a purveyor of junk science and phony ideologies! That the Journal of General Internal Medicine accepted this paper is puzzling at best! When the obsession with phony ideologies intrude on science!

Would it not be more likely or reasonable that e.g. the prevalence of obesity is the explaining factor than race?

"... One of the study’s findings is that Black women are up to four times more likely to die of Covid-19 than white men are. Additionally, Black men have the highest Covid-19 mortality rates of any group defined by both race and sex — up to six times higher than the rates among white men. These findings strongly suggest structural inequities in society ...
Marion Boulicault, a graduate student in the MIT Department of Lingustics and Philosophy, and [2nd] co-author of the study."

"Inequities in COVID-19 outcomes in the USA have been clearly documented for sex and race ... Unexplored, however, is how sex and race interact in COVID-19 outcomes. ..."

Study: Sex differences in Covid-19 mortality vary across racial groups | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Black women are more vulnerable than white men, illustrating how race and gender intersect to shape health outcomes.

Here is the link to the underlying research article:

Friedrich August von Hayek: The Pretence of Knowledge

Recommendable! Unfortunately, his 1974 Nobel Prize lecture is filled too much with what sounds like trivialities, banalities or ramblings! Extremely long sentences are not helpful! Hayek would have been so much more influential and effective had he more rigorously applied Occam's razor to his tome of writings!

"... We [economists] have indeed at the moment little cause for pride: as a profession we have made a mess of things... 
This is particularly true of our theories accounting for the determination of the systems of relative prices and wages that will form themselves on a well functioning market. Into the determination of these prices and wages there will enter the effects of particular information possessed by every one of the participants in the market process – a sum of facts which in their totality cannot be known to the scientific observer, or to any other single brain. It is indeed the source of the superiority of the market order, and the reason why, when it is not suppressed by the powers of government, it regularly displaces other types of order, that in the resulting allocation of resources more of the knowledge of particular facts will be utilized which exists only dispersed among uncounted persons, than any one person can possess. ... 
Before I continue with my immediate concern, the effects of all this on the employment policies currently pursued, allow me to define more specifically the inherent limitations of our numerical knowledge which are so often overlooked. ... But, as Vilfredo Pareto, one of the founders of this theory, clearly stated, its purpose cannot be “to arrive at a numerical calculation of prices”, because, as he said, it would be “absurd” to assume that we could ascertain all the data. Indeed, the chief point was already seen by those remarkable anticipators of modern economics, the Spanish schoolmen of the sixteenth century [presumably he is referring to the School of Salamanca], who emphasized that what they called pretium mathematicum, the mathematical price, depended on so many particular circumstances that it could never be known to man but was known only to God. I sometimes wish that our mathematical economists would take this to heart. ...
There may be few instances in which the superstition that only measurable magnitudes can be important has done positive harm in the economic field: but the present inflation and employment problems [1970s stagflation] are a very serious one. Its effect has been that what is probably the true cause of extensive unemployment has been disregarded by the scientistically minded majority of economists, because its operation could not be confirmed by directly observable relations between measurable magnitudes, and that an almost exclusive concentration on quantitatively measurable surface phenomena has produced a policy which has made matters worse. ...
In fact, in the case discussed, the very measures which the dominant “macro-economic” theory [Keynesian economics] has recommended as a remedy for unemployment, namely the increase of aggregate demand, have become a cause of a very extensive misallocation of resources which is likely to make later large-scale unemployment inevitable. The continuous injection of additional amounts of money at points of the economic system where it creates a temporary demand which must cease when the increase of the quantity of money stops or slows down ...
even if the true scientists should all recognize the limitations of what they can do in the field of human affairs, so long as the public expects more there will always be some who will pretend, and perhaps honestly believe, that they can do more to meet popular demands than is really in their power. It is often difficult enough for the expert, and certainly in many instances impossible for the layman, to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate claims advanced in the name of science. The enormous publicity recently given by the media to a report pronouncing in the name of science on The Limits to Growth [the junk science produced by the Club of Rome of the 1970s and 1980s, in the 21st century it is Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion], and the silence of the same media about the devastating criticism this report has received from the competent experts6, must make one feel somewhat apprehensive about the use to which the prestige of science can be put. But it is by no means only in the field of economics that far-reaching claims are made on behalf of a more scientific direction of all human activities and the desirability of replacing spontaneous processes by “conscious human control”.
... The recognition of the insuperable limits to his knowledge ought indeed to teach the student of society a lesson of humility which should guard him against becoming an accomplice in men’s fatal striving to control society – a striving which makes him not only a tyrant over his fellows, but which may well make him the destroyer of a civilization which no brain has designed but which has grown from the free efforts of millions of individuals. ..."

Friedrich August von Hayek - Prize Lecture: The Pretence of Knowledge

No excess mutations in the children of Chernobyl survivors, new study finds

For over 30 years, environmentalists, alarmists and the like have warned the public with their apocalyptic exaggerations about the Chernobyl nuclear accident!

"... Working with colleagues at the Broad Institute, Chanock’s team sequenced the genomes of 105 parents and 130 children born between 1987 and 2002. Numbers of DNMs [de novo mutations] were no greater than those seen in the general population—even at the highest radiation doses, the researchers report today in Science. ..."

"Effects of radiation exposure from the Chernobyl nuclear accident remain a topic of interest. We investigated whether children born to parents employed as cleanup workers or exposed to occupational and environmental ionizing radiation post-accident were born with more germline de novo mutations (DNMs). Whole-genome sequencing of 130 children (born 1987-2002) and their parents did not reveal an increase in the rates, distributions, or types of DNMs versus previous studies. ..."

No excess mutations in the children of Chernobyl survivors, new study finds | Science | AAAS

Here is the link to the underlying research article:

India may build new coal plants due to low cost despite climate change

The leaders in India and China are not as stupid as the cognitively impaired 46th President of the United States!

"... the fuel accounts for nearly three-fourths of India’s annual power output. ..."

"... U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry this month said India was “getting the job done on climate, pushing the curve,” ..." Said who? The dumbest and most arrogant member of the administration! What a joke you bloke!

EXCLUSIVE India may build new coal plants due to low cost despite climate change | Reuters India may build new coal-fired power plants as they generate the cheapest power, according to a draft electricity policy document seen by Reuters

Oracle to open Israel data center this summer

Good news! The race by U.S. tech giants to open data centers in Israel is on! Just recently Microsoft announced its plans (see my post here)!

How Oracle divides its international business into regions is an oracle!

"... On a LinkedIn post Oracle SVP UK, Israel and Benelux Richard Petley said that the company plans to continue working strenuously to set up the data center that it began building this year. ..."

Oracle to open Israel data center this summer - Globes If launched on schedule, the data center in Jerusalem will be the first opened in Israel by one of the US tech giants.

Python Annoyances

I have started programming in Python only very recently! More annoyances will be added as I gain more experience with this language.

  1. Lack of constants
  2. del listname[index] to remove an item from a list at a certain position! This is very awkward and not intuitive!
  3. The abundance of packages is overwhelming
  4. The rstrip() function removes one to many characters on the left hand side of the argument of the rstrip function. Therefore, they came up with the removesuffix() function, introduced with Python version 3.9 (see e.g. PEP 616 -- String methods to remove prefixes and suffixes dated 3/19/2020). This is almost to clever by half instead of fixing the rstrip() function by e.g. adding an optional parameter! (added 6/15/2021)
  5. Despite hundreds of standard libraries, there is no built in function to copy and paste from the clipboard. So I installed Pyperclip, but resulted in errors, when I tried to used it. I had to resort to an old Unix command and subprocess to copy/paste from the clipboard.