Friday, March 05, 2021

McKinsey & Company: Countering otherness: Fostering team integration

Who is foolish enough to pay for the services (or shall we say garbage) that McKinsey & Company peddles?

This was in today's On Point email from McKinsey:
The news
Diversity hires. Many companies have made it a priority to hire diverse talent to increase representation among people of color. But some have also made the mistake of lumping a wide range of people into their definition of a “diversity hire,” which automatically creates in-groups and out-groups—and minimizes the importance of distinct racial, gender, and disability characteristics that companies say they now value. [HBR]
Antiracism training. Corporate diversity and antiracism training require commitment. Studies show that one-off trainings or mandatory sessions may raise awareness and empower employees in the short term, but without carefully considered follow-ups, these programs are less likely to have a lasting impact on interpersonal dynamics and policy in organizations. [WSJ]"

"Exploring our feelings of otherness can help us discover how we are the same.
By all accounts, 2020 was a momentous year. George Floyd’s brutal murder spurred protests and riots across the globe and brought renewed passion to the Black Lives Matter movement. The coronavirus pandemic has been fostering a rise in discrimination toward those of Chinese and Southeast Asian heritage, while also affecting the lives and livelihoods of Black, Asian, and minority ethnic people more than it has affected white people. ...
These events have raised the level of awareness of the insidiousness of subtle and systemic racism for nonminority ethnic people—as has the #MeToo movement, which overlaps Black Lives Matter in its goal to dismantle oppression. ..."

Countering otherness: Fostering team integration | McKinsey

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