Thursday, March 04, 2021

Global Health NOW: An Overweight Link to Covid-19 Deaths?

Shoddy science and abusing statistics! Shoddy science journalism! This is at best a very tenuous link! This is only good for attention grabbing headlines!

So what if many of the obese people were also very old? Being old and long-time obese is certainly not a healthy combination and certainly reduces your chances to survive a Covid-19 infection. A sever flu season would also have had deadly consequences most likely.

"... 88% of the 2.5 million COVID-19 deaths take place in countries where a majority of adults are classified as overweight, according to a new World Obesity Forum study.
  • Covid-19 mortality rates increased along with countries’ prevalence of obesity—even after age and wealth adjustments, the researchers found, drawing on Johns Hopkins University and WHO mortality data for 160 countries through February 2021, CNN reports.

  • Countries with a minority of overweight adults had Covid-19 death rates no higher than 10 people per 100,000, compared to more than 100 per 100,000 in countries where 50% or more adults are overweight—like the US, where nearly three-quarters of the population is either overweight or obese. ..."

Global Health NOW: S. America’s Soaring Cases & Few Vaccines; Overweight Link to Covid-19 Deaths? and Bad Fracking Neighbors

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