Wednesday, December 30, 2020

U.S. and Western countries biggest foreign policy challenge: Irredentism by Michael Rubin

Recommendable! Good overview article of recent U.S. foreign policy challenges. Rubin covers Turkey, Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Venezuela. Unfortunately, Rubin has solely pointed at U.S. foreign policy challenges while in reality these are challenges to all Western countries!

So, I disagree with Rubin on his remark:
"There is a fine line, however, between restraint and abandonment of global leadership. Trump sprinted across that line, and global security may pay the price."
Au contraire, President has opened the eyes of other Western countries to these challenges. All Western countries have to step up!

"... The problem is irredentism, countries laying claim to former territories and willing to enforce such claims with military force. ..."

Joe Biden’s biggest foreign policy challenge: Irredentism | American Enterprise Institute - AEI The United States was never the catalyst for conflict but rather was the lid on the pressure cooker. America’s retreat opens the door to dictators and despots to pursue their own revanchist ideologies.

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