Wednesday, December 30, 2020

In a first, a person’s immune system fought HIV — and won

Amazing stuff!

"... Twice, people infected with HIV have had levels of the virus in their bodies drop to undetectable levels after bone marrow transplants, never to return. Now it appears that a person may have cleared functional HIV with no outside help. If true, it would be the first known instance of a spontaneous cure. ...
Analysis of more than 1.5 billion cells taken from a patient known as EC2 showed no functional HIV copies in any of them, researchers report August 26 in Nature. The person still had some nonfunctional copies of the virus. ...
A second person, EC1, had just one functional copy of HIV in more than 1 billion blood cells analyzed. And that copy of HIV was [entrapped] in what is essentially a genetic supermax prison. That genetic lockup may be key to being able to naturally control the virus. ...
Those two people are part of a rare group of people known as elite controllers, meaning they are able to maintain very low or undetectable levels of HIV without antiretroviral drugs. These people have no symptoms or clear signs of damage from the virus. ..."

In a first, a person’s immune system fought HIV — and won | Science News Analysis of 1.5 billion cells from this rare case found no trace of the virus

Here is the link to the respective research article:
Distinct viral reservoirs in individuals with spontaneous control of HIV-1 (The abstract is tough reading for layman like me)

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