Monday, September 07, 2020

Anthony Fauci: We're in the 'pandemic era' now, and the solution is for us to live 'in greater harmony with nature'

Why President Trump still has not fired this Anthony Fauci is incredible! This man "served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984". Nobody is irreplaceable! 26 years in the same office?
Here is another fine example why this guy is a propagandist and alarmist! 

Many doomsayers have roamed this planet, most of them we do not even remember anymore. We are still waiting for the apocalypse to happen for over thousands of years now!

"There are many examples where disease emergences reflect our increasing inability to live in harmony with nature. ... historical reminders, that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences. ... "
What is this naive and ignorant fool talking about? There are now 7.6 billion humans living on this planet. 1-2 billion of them live still in poverty. Of course, this has an impact on nature! There is actually a good chance that world population will decline again over the next several decades. Just take a look at e.g. China, India, and Africa.

"Science will surely bring us many life-saving drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics; however, there is no reason to think that these alone can overcome the threat of ever more frequent and deadly emergences of infectious diseases. Evidence suggests that SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 are only the latest examples of a deadly barrage of coming coronavirus and other emergences. ... "
Utter nonsense and wild speculation! A prophet of doom without evidence! This is not science! It also contradicts our enormous progress in defeating all kinds of pathogens over the last 100 years or so. With the ongoing, unprecedented and accelerating exponential progress infectious diseases are history within the next 20-30 years latest!

We're in the 'pandemic era' now, and the solution is for us to live 'in greater harmony with nature', Fauci says - TheBlaze

Here is the underlying article (open access):
EmergingPandemicDiseases:HowWeGot toCOVID-19

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