Friday, September 18, 2020

Science Editorial: Trump lied about science

Once more the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) gets caught displaying severe Trump Derangement Syndrome! This is not science this is election year demagoguery and partisanship!

Trump did not lie, but like any good leader, he tried to prevent a panic! Biden would have done exactly the same!

Was is not scientists who:

  1.  Irresponsibly exaggerated the danger of SARS-CoV-2?
  2. Published crazy forecasts about the lethality of this virus
  3. and so on ...

"As he was playing down the virus to the public, Trump was not confused or inadequately briefed: He flat-out lied, repeatedly, about science to the American people. These lies demoralized the scientific community and cost countless lives in the United States. ... But now, a U.S. president has deliberately lied about science in a way that was imminently dangerous to human health and directly led to widespread deaths of Americans. ..."

This is so ridiculous and so laughable!

"... Monuments in Washington, D.C., have chiseled into them words spoken by real leaders during crises. “Confidence,” said Franklin Roosevelt, “thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance.”

We can be thankful that science has embraced these words. ..."

What a baloney and nonsense! President FDR was the most socialist and dictatorial U.S. president of all! Did he not e.g. intern Japanese Americans en masse in concentration camps! Was not FDR responsible for all kinds of severely unconstitutional laws etc.

How many scientists have been caught being dishonest e.g. falsifying research etc. How many scientists have embraced totalitarian ideologies?

Trump lied about science | Science

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