Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Autonomous Robots Could Mine the Deep Seafloor

Good news! For several decades we have been waiting to mine the deep seafloor!

If environmentalists torpedo deep sea mining, then they are not serious about the millions of batteries they want to manufacture to store electricity from so called renewable energy!

"... Their goal is to pluck polymetallic nodules—potato-sized deposits of precious ores—off the seafloor without disrupting precious habitats. ... How deep seas will be mined, and where, is ultimately up to the International Seabed Authority (ISA), a group of 168 member countries. In October, the intergovernmental body is expected to adopt a sweeping set of technical and environmental standards, known as the Mining Code, that could pave the way for private companies to access large tracts of seafloor.  ..."

Autonomous Robots Could Mine the Deep Seafloor - IEEE Spectrum Pliant Energy says its C-Ray robot could be a less invasive tool for ocean mining

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