Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Michael Moore’s new film gets wrong about renewable energy

Of course, it would not take long before critics come out against Michael Moore's latest film Planet of the Humans. Although, my impression is the environmentalism industry and its believers rather treat this film damnatio memoriae or blissful ignorance!

Following is also a rather disingenuous pamphlet. Just to give on example:

"Meanwhile, solar cell technology is advancing rapidly. Thin-film solar cells involve layers of light-absorbing semiconductors such as cadmium telluride or copper indium gallium selenide that are deposited on glass, metal or plastic. This technology uses only a fraction of the silicon needed to make the thick silicon wafers of a standard photovoltaic cell. Thin-film cells also eliminate the use of dangerous hydrofluoric acid to clean the wafers."

As if cadmium telluride or indium gallium selenide are more environmentally friendly to mine and produce than silicon. What about the well known toxicity of e.g. cadmium?

What Michael Moore’s new film gets wrong about renewable energy | Science News

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