Thursday, March 05, 2020

Piketty’s new book explores how economic inequality is perpetuated

Ah, a new book by this hard leftist Marxist! He is not an economist, but a lousy propagandist! His previous, best selling book ("Capital in the Twenty-First Century") was soundly debunked as myth telling!

He believes in class struggle and other Marxist fantasies! Anyone who tries to boil down or explain history in such simple terms is a fool!

His story of the Swedish economy is bogus!

"Participatory socialism is the general objective of more “access” to education. Educational justice is very important in terms of access to higher education. Today there’s a lot of hyper criticism, not only in the U.S., but also in France and in Europe, that we don’t set quantifiable and verifiable targets in terms of how children [from] lower [income] groups [gain] access to higher education, what kind of funding [they] have for higher education. The other big dimension is circulation of property, so I talk about “inheritance for all.” The idea is to use a progressive tax on wealth in order to finance [a] capital transfer to every young adult at the age of 25."

Picketty is such a naive intellectual that it hurts! Don't we already have a serious inflation of higher education degrees in Western countries? The Internet has profoundly changed the availability of education for free etc. 

Picketty demands expropriation of the "expropriators"! What a total fool!

Piketty’s new book explores how economic inequality is perpetuated – Harvard Gazette: Economist Thomas Piketty discusses his new research into the historical roots of inequality around the world and what can be done to begin redressing it.

Thomas Piketty.

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