Thursday, August 29, 2019

So LGBTQ Is A Cult, A Tribe, Or A Sect?

Posted: 8/29/2019

Nature News came out today saying there is no evidence for a gentic basis of human sexuality and speficially, there is no gay gene. What does that mean if confirmed?

“The largest study to date on the genetic basis of sexuality has revealed five spots on the human genome that are linked to same-sex sexual behaviourbut none of the markers are reliable enough to predict someone’s sexuality.

The findings, which are published on 29 August in Science and based on the genomes of nearly 500,000 people, shore up the results of earlier, smaller studies and confirm the suspicions of many scientists: while sexual preferences have a genetic component, no single gene has a large effect on sexual behaviours.” (S1; emphasis added)

I have for some time argued that LGBTQ is like a fashionable fad for young people! The LGBTQ tribe/sect/cult promotes a colorful, alternative, hip, glamorous, vanity lifestyle in opposition or contrary to older generations.

Sources (S):

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