Thursday, August 29, 2019

Boris Johnson - The Right Man At The Right Time

Posted: 8/29/2019

Or as they say cometh the hour cometh the man! In times of crisis or turmoil, the British people finally choose a man or woman who has what it takes! The rather appalling Brexit political spectacle of the past two years will now most likely come to an end! The UK can do so much better without the EU!

With the brilliant stroke to prorogue the British Parliament for a month (as early as 9/9 through 10/14) until close to the Brexit deadline, the new Prime Minister of the UK, Boris Johnson, left little doubt about his commitment to exit the EU. Kudos to the Queen!

Now all eyes will be on the special relationship between the UK and the U.S. If Trump and Johnson get along, they could do great things together much like Reagan, Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II! I would not count the Churchill and Roosevelt relationship as special, it was more of a necessity. President Roosevelt (the most socialist U.S. president of all times) was too terrible a U.S. president!

It will be fascinating to watch what Boris Johnson will do about Northern Ireland and Scotland. 

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