Tuesday, August 27, 2019

MIT Technology Propaganda Magazine

Posted: 8/27/2019

I have blogged here several times about the increasingly shoddy and full of propaganda MIT Technology Review. It is truly appalling! Just checked, the MIT TR is still owned by MIT (see here). 

The propaganda of MIT TR is engaged in horrible scaremongering & demagoguery dressed up as science! The selected piece below has been debunked by none other than NASA (see S2).

The following Download, MIT Technology Review’s daily newsletter arrived into my email inbox (emphasis added):

We aren’t terrified enough about losing the Amazon
Scientists aren’t sure if there’s a tipping point, or how close we are to it – but it would be “absolutely catastrophic” if we cross it, reports James Temple.

The context: With fires raging in the Brazilian Amazon, media reports have resurfaced a scary scenario where a certain level of deforestation will push the world’s largest rainforest to a tipping point where spiraling feedback effects convert much of the forest into savannah.

A scary prospect: In this scenario, rather than holding 17% of the world’s carbon trapped in vegetation on land, the Amazon would become a major source of it. Scientists can’t say exactly where the tipping point would be, but like other climate tipping points, which are unpredictable and essentially irreversible once reached, we should err on the side of caution. 

Are we nearing it? So far, at least 17% of the Amazon has already been lost. As little as 20% deforestation could begin to trigger the irreversible “savannafication” process. Read the full story here.

Sources (S):

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