Monday, August 06, 2018

U.S. CAFE Standards Are Utterly Unconstitutional

Posted: 8/6/2018


I had planned for some time to write a blog post about CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy), but never got around to write it.

It has been absolutely shocking that the elected representatives of the beacon of freedom and individual liberty could have ever passed such an unconstitutional monstrosity of a law in 1975 and never since then bothered to repealed it. According to the Wikipedia article about CAFE (source no. 2), this law was never even seriously challenged in courts. Further, this law set a horrible precedent for the entire world.


Just read this Cato Institute article: Trump’s Proposed CAFE Standard. Some salient quotes from this article (emphasis added):
  1. “... when Congress created the CAFE program in 1975, it specially forbade states from adopting their own stronger rules because this would greatly increase the costs of compliance to manufacturers. Despite that, the Obama administration decided to exempt California from the one-national-standard rule. The Trump administration is going back to the actual law.”
    (What a lousy, business adverse president Obama was, this is another example)
  2. “Another important issue is that the CAFE program has suffered mission creep. When Congress created the program in 1975, the nation was suffering from politically induced energy shortages. But the standards weren’t needed to save energy; people responded to higher gas prices by buying more fuel-efficient cars without the government standards.”
    (Mission creep? What a misguided euphemism!)

Brevity Is The Soul Of Wit

CAFE is pure, grandiose socialist central planning; simply and utterly unconstitutional, and should be repealed ASAP!


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