Sunday, August 05, 2018

Gracia Mendes Nasi: A Largely Unknown Rich & Successful Business Woman

Posted: 8/5/2018


I recently watched this documentary video about Wir Europäer 2 Europa erfindet den Kapitalismus (in German language), where I encountered a mentioning of this lady, i.e. Gracia Mendes Nasi (1510? - 1569), probably for the first time in my life.

Oh girl/[boy], was I stunned for a moment when I learnt of this lady and her almost incredible accomplishments!

Gracia Mendes Nasi

She was also also known by her Christianized name Beatrice de Luna Mendes. Wikipedia describes her as “one of the wealthiest Jewish women of Renaissance Europe”.

Yes, you can argue it was her husband or his family, who created the wealth and she just happened to inherit it. “Francisco [her husband, who died when she was 28 years old] divided his fortune between Beatrice and his brother and business partner, Diogo; this bold decision put Beatrice on the path to becoming the successful and renowned business woman of the sixteenth century ...” Well, was this just an expression of his devotion and love for his wife or was it trust in his wife to take care of business?

According the YouTube audio biography (see source no. 2), this lady was quite a business woman who conducted business all over Europe and even from several different countries. She is apparently also known for her tremendous efforts to help large numbers of European Jews to escape persecution.

For more details about her life, please see sources below.


Feminism is a false ideology and a myth! Women, who dared succeeded!


  1. The Life And Death Of Gracia Mendes Nasi (YouTube video; audio biography)
  2. Who Was Dona Gracia Nasi? Jewish Biography as History Dr. Henry Abramson (Had no time yet to watch this YouTube biography of her)

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