Saturday, July 15, 2017

American Exceptionalism: Domestic POW Camps During WW II

Posted: 7/15/2017

I recently visited for the first time the Arizona Heritage Center in Phoenix, AZ. This large museum is run by the Arizona Historical Society (founded in 1864).

To my surprise, this museum also featured a department on prisoner of war camps of World War II in Arizona. Apparently significant numbers of German and Italian prisoners were held there.

The testimonials by some of these POWs I have seen at the museum suggest that these prisoners almost had the time of their lives given the situation they were in. Some prisoners were even paid a salary for their work in the POW camp.

I have taken pictures of some of their testimonials see below.

Here is a list of all WW II POW camps in Arizona:

These guys did not realize that rivers in the desert can be dry for extended periods

This Italian prisoner was paid 80 cents a day for his work

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