Saturday, April 30, 2016

Grand Stupidity: Kenya Burns $100 Millions Worth Of Ivory

Posted: 4/30/2016


Politicians terrible ineptitude to learn is amply manifest once more:
  1. The elephants and rhinos are dead. This burning will not make them alive again
  2. From the expected $100 millions of proceeds by selling the ivory many park rangers could be hired, conservation of animals could be promoted and so much more. For a poor country like Kenya, this is a lot of money to do better things than burning it
  3. The sales price of ivory would go down worldwide making poaching an even less lucrative business proposition
  4. On a more sinister note, perhaps these politicians deliberately burn the ivory to keep up the price of ivory and their kickbacks from illegal trade

Besides inept politicians, there are also scientists who support such nonsense. See e.g this article about Richard Leakey, the son of famous paleontologists Louis and Mary Leakey. Not only believes Mr. Leakey in the Global Warming hoax, he also things such a massive burning is great publicity.

Better Solutions

Stop the prohibition of ivory sales. Prohibitions like this have rarely ever worked in history.

I have previously blogged here about legalizing ivory farming and here about legalizing the sale of ivory.

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