Monday, January 19, 2015

Latest PBS Frontline Anti Gun Propaganda

Posted: 1/18/2015


Just watched PBS Frontline “Gunned Down” which aired on 1/6/2015 and is 54 minutes long. I was not disappointed, it was the typical shoddy work as you would expect from taxpayer financed PBS when they report on the issues of gun violence/control/ownership or the 2nd Amendment.

This Frontline report is from beginning to end a pro gun control propaganda hit piece against the all so powerful National Rifle Association (NRA).

Disclaimer: I am a longtime member of the NRA and a strong 2nd Amendment defender.

Exploiting Emotions And Rare Mass Shootings

This sums it up! Probably, about 30% or more of this report is devoted to showing pictures of children killed in two infamous school mass shooting events and with interviews of parents who lost their children. Plus lots of footage of Gabrielle Gifford and her husband as well as James Brady.

Here is a brief, incomplete summary:
  1. The first 10 or more minutes were about the Gabrielle Gifford and the Columbine High School mass shootings. At least another 5 minutes were spent on the Sandy Hook mass shooting.
  2. At no time did the Frontline report really explain what the 2nd Amendment is about or similar and even stronger, less ambiguous wording in many state constitutions
  3. At no time did the Frontline report mention that the shooter of the selected, few mass shooting events were psychopaths or severely mentally ill. There was absolutely no background given on the shooters or their parents or what kind of psychological treatment they received etc. If a violent psychopath bent on killing people  does not have a gun, he will find other ways to do mayhem.
  4. Frontline claimed that the NRA defeated Al Gore in the year 2000 presidential election. That is laughable at best! Al Gore has been known for many years as a hysteric, choleric wannabe with few achievements to show (perhaps Atari democrat, inventor of the Internet)!
  5. Of course, Frontline did not mention a single word that guns have prevented many crimes or racist acts since the Declaration of Independence

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