Sunday, January 11, 2015

India's Awakening

Posted: 1/11/2015 Updated: 9/11/2016, 8/4/2015, 4/11/2015, 3/26/2015, 2/24/2015, 1/24/2015

Update Of 9/11/2016

Update Of 8/4/2015


I will try to collect here articles describing the rise of India as a modern country resuming its glorious past. and how it will compete with China. China used to borrow knowledge from India in the distant past.

Selected Articles

  1. “One of the most startling findings in the report shows that India will be the only country in South and West Asia to have an equal ratio of girls and boys in primary and senior school this year
  2. “The report says India is close to achieving universal enrollment of children in pre-preliminary schools, and it has achieved the target of universal primary school education.”
  3. “Between 2005 and 2014, India stepped up investment in education from about $14 billion to $62 billion. About 45 percent of schools now have electricity, up from 20 percent in 2003. About 78 percent of paved roads have been built around schools, up from 63 percent.”

As of 2014, there were 481,000 so called high net worth households in India reported with an average wealth of $85,000.

India’s government is smart to keep sometimes militant or extreme and often meddling environmental activists in check. To signal to organizations like Greenpeace or Sierra Club that they will not have an easy ,far-reaching effect in India like they had in the U.S. or other Western Countries in prioritizing environmental protection to the detriment of economic development makes sense.

After years of delays, India appears to be set to finally build such a state of the art observatory. I was surprised to read that India had already a neutrino observatory in the 1960s located in a gold mine: “The country led the way in the 1960s when physicists used a gold mine at Kolar in the southern state of Karnataka to create what was then the world's deepest underground lab. Known as the Kolar Gold Field Lab, in 1965 it enabled researchers to detect neutrinos that are created when cosmic rays smash into the atmosphere. The lab later studied proton decay and was only shut down in 1992 when gold mining at the site became uneconomical.” (emphasis added)

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