Thursday, January 29, 2015

Misfits Are Special

Posted: 1/29/2015


Just read “Misfit marmots save the day”. To quote from this article: “They suspected that the most socially adept animals would be first to alert their cliques to danger, but in fact, unpopular marmots whistled alarm calls most frequently, the team reports online this month in Behavioral Ecology.”

Prejudice & Ignorance

First impressions of a person can be very deceiving. Love at first sight is often a fairy tale.

Misfits deserve better!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Doomsayers Finally Run Out Of Minutes

Posted: 1/25/2015


To quote from above article (emphasis added):
“The board that runs the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) has decided to move the minute hand on its symbolic Doomsday Clock 2 minutes closer to disaster. The clock now shows 3 minutes before midnight because the “probability of global catastrophe is very high” as a result of continuing climate change and efforts to modernize nuclear weapons stockpiles.”

Humans Have Been In Love With Apocalypse For Ages

There are too many Cassandras in this world and since ancient times. Which one is right? Human ingenuity trumps!

Best Quotes Of George Washington

Posted: 1/25/2015


I believe it quite possible that the writings and speeches of this man are not taught properly in the public schools of the U.S. Vraiment très dommage! It is high time to privatize the education of our children.

I personally do not particularly like to read George Washington’s writings, because his language is so verbose.

Best Quotes

I added emphasis and comment. This is a work in progress.

  1. “It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, whatever the form of government, a real despotism.” (Farewell Address of 1796)
    [Washington clearly warned of the danger of democracy to deteriorate over time into centralisation of power at the top level of government and concomitant, progressive loss of individual liberty.]

Hot Recent Science & Technology Articles (6)

Posted: 1/25/2015

One step closer to the fountain of youth!

Could also be used to repair DNA damage from radioactive radiation or cancer therapy
 (It is about time that scientists/engineers develop modern clothing that keep us warm or cool depending on ambient temperature. It is amazing how little clothing has changed over the centuries. E.g. everyday shoes are still made from leather; everyday sweaters are still made from cotton etc. Humanity is waiting for smart clothing.)

The U.S. Senate Climate Change Hoax

Posted: 1/25/2015


I was stunned to learn this week e.g. here and here that the U.S. Senate voted 98 to 1 to following language: “AMENDMENT PURPOSE:
To express the sense of the Senate that climate change is real and not a hoax.” (emphasis added)

I guess, the citizens of this country should be happy that the following, longer, proposed statement included in the same amendment was not accepted: “SEC. __. SENSE OF THE SENATE REGARDING CLIMATE CHANGE.
It is the sense of the Senate that climate change--
(1) is real;
(2) is caused by humans;
(3) is urgent; and
(4) is solvable.
” (emphasis added)

Expedient To Pass Keystone XL Legislation

Perhaps, this was one of the motivations for this vote, but expediency may come back to haunt.

In Jest

Senator Inhofe is reported as saying “Climate is changing and climate has always changed”,  the Senator meant only to say climate change is real, because it happens all the time. I do not know how many U.S. Senators voted along these lines.

Well, this overwhelming vote will be taken serious by the many environmentalists.

Consequences Of An Irresponsible Vote

Well, the environmentalists among us will run full force with this victory. If U.S. Senator Inhofe later votes against environmental measures, he will be reminded.

If the U.S. Senators who voted for this language were not serious they should have had the guts to say so and modify the language.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Latest PBS Frontline Anti Gun Propaganda

Posted: 1/18/2015


Just watched PBS Frontline “Gunned Down” which aired on 1/6/2015 and is 54 minutes long. I was not disappointed, it was the typical shoddy work as you would expect from taxpayer financed PBS when they report on the issues of gun violence/control/ownership or the 2nd Amendment.

This Frontline report is from beginning to end a pro gun control propaganda hit piece against the all so powerful National Rifle Association (NRA).

Disclaimer: I am a longtime member of the NRA and a strong 2nd Amendment defender.

Exploiting Emotions And Rare Mass Shootings

This sums it up! Probably, about 30% or more of this report is devoted to showing pictures of children killed in two infamous school mass shooting events and with interviews of parents who lost their children. Plus lots of footage of Gabrielle Gifford and her husband as well as James Brady.

Here is a brief, incomplete summary:
  1. The first 10 or more minutes were about the Gabrielle Gifford and the Columbine High School mass shootings. At least another 5 minutes were spent on the Sandy Hook mass shooting.
  2. At no time did the Frontline report really explain what the 2nd Amendment is about or similar and even stronger, less ambiguous wording in many state constitutions
  3. At no time did the Frontline report mention that the shooter of the selected, few mass shooting events were psychopaths or severely mentally ill. There was absolutely no background given on the shooters or their parents or what kind of psychological treatment they received etc. If a violent psychopath bent on killing people  does not have a gun, he will find other ways to do mayhem.
  4. Frontline claimed that the NRA defeated Al Gore in the year 2000 presidential election. That is laughable at best! Al Gore has been known for many years as a hysteric, choleric wannabe with few achievements to show (perhaps Atari democrat, inventor of the Internet)!
  5. Of course, Frontline did not mention a single word that guns have prevented many crimes or racist acts since the Declaration of Independence

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Martin Luther King Jr. Was Confrontational

Posted: 1/18/2015


Just watched this documentary titled “MLK: THE ASSASSINATION TAPES” on the Smithsonian Channel. This documentary contains a lot of interesting footage from before the assassination of MLK.

A Pattern Of Confrontation

What caught my attention was that MLK apparently displayed a pattern of peculiar confrontation, first in Birmingham, AL later in Memphis, TN. I presume, MLK deliberately chose these two locations for his activities. In both locations, he directly confronted or challenged a powerful white individual known for having extreme views. In Birmingham it was the Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor in Memphis it was the mayor Henry Loeb.

The documentary also pointed out that this all happened during the very contentious Vietnam War period. Was it a good idea to push aggressively for civil rights during a time of extreme tension?

Reflections About The Documentary

  1. I believe, the above documentary did not mention at all that the mayor of Memphis at the time, Henry Loeb, was a conservative, outspoken anti communist, and segregationist Democrat. Would this tough appearing mayor acted much differently had the sanitation workers been white? A question the above documentary never explored.
  2. The above documentary fails to mention, if I remember correctly, that not all sanitation workers were black (see e.g. New York Times obituary of Loeb)
  3. As the documentary was pointing out the position of the mayor was as follows “The Mayor argued that the strike was illegal under state law.”(Source above NYT article). I believe, the above documentary never explained what this meant
  4. I was unaware about the massive rioting in conjunction with the sanitation worker strike going on for weeks that occurred before the assassination. If I remember correctly from the above documentary, martial law and a curfew were imposed by the mayor, national guard soldiers were in the streets guarding businesses and so on. So did MLK and his entourage (e.g. Jesse Jackson) contribute to a more peaceful development or to an improvement of the situation? I suspect that because the assassination overshadowed everything afterwards the prehistory has been what appears conveniently forgotten or downplayed.
  5. Despite the rioting going on in the city, MLK decided to visit the city a second time
  6. If I remember correctly, a scene from the above documentary shows MLK stating something like it was “criminal” to pay full time workers (referring to the sanitation workers) only part time wages. This is a very strong, offensive statement coming from a man who said he was sent by god. Did he get the facts right? Were perhaps white workers treated similar at the time?
  7. The documentary showed public pronouncements by Reverend James Lawson, an associate of MLK, which came across as if from an aggressive, uncompromising politician than from a reverend on behalf of the strikers
  8. Apparently, mayor Loeb was up against some powerplay by public sector unions (e.g. AFSCME or American Federation of Federal, State, County, and Municipal Employees), which were playing hard ball to unionize city employees and workers. How much was MLK aware of this and what was his view on that was, I believe, not quite clear from the documentary
  9. As an aside, the footage of Ted Kennedy speaking in Memphis after the assassination is illuminating. He reads from his notes almost never taking his eyes of. He comes away as an amateur or third rated politician.

Quotes From MLK’s Last Speech

The AFSCME posts his last speech under their history on their website here.

“Now we're going to march again, and we've got to march again, in order to put the issue where it is supposed to be. And force everybody to see that there are thirteen hundred of God's children here suffering, sometimes going hungry, going through dark and dreary nights wondering how this thing is going to come out. That's the issue. And we've got to say to the nation: we know it's coming out. For when people get caught up with that which is right and they are willing to sacrifice for it, there is no stopping point short of victory.”
“We aren't going to let any mace stop us. We are masters in our nonviolent movement in disarming police forces; they don't know what to do, I've seen them so often. I remember in Birmingham, Alabama, when we were in that majestic struggle there we would move out of the 16th Street Baptist Church day after day; by the hundreds we would move out. And Bull Connor would tell them to send the dogs forth and they did come; but we just went before the dogs singing, "Ain't gonna let nobody turn me round." Bull Connor next would say, "Turn the fire hoses on." And as I said to you the other night, Bull Connor didn't know history.”

These are very confrontational, dangerous, and aggressive words coming from a man of nonviolence. His language was anything but nonviolent. These are words coming from a standpoint of strong self-righteousness. In a previous blog post about MLK, I have quoted from this speech as well.

Best Friend Of The White People

The above documentary shows an interview with a African-american activist in the aftermath of the assassination saying something like a white man just killed the best friend of the white people.

If I remember correctly from the above documentary and other footage that I have seen about MLK, then I would ask how many white people were actually in the inner circle of MLK? E.g. the above documentary did not show any, if I am correct.

Conspiracy Theory

I wondered why I had never learned of a prominent conspiracy theory surrounding the assassination of MLK.

Apparently when you do some research you find one. Not only that it is pursued even by the surviving King family (by Coretta Scott King and Dexter King). See Wikipedia articles here, here, and here.

The National Archives Material For Teachers

On this website of National Archives/Teacher’s Resources/Teaching with documents I found following (emphasis added):
  1. “The Montgomery bus boycott, the freedom rides, the Birmingham campaign, the March on Washington, the Selma march, the Chicago campaign, and the Memphis boycott are some of the more noteworthy battlefields where King and his followers--numerous in numbers, humble and great in name-- fought for the equal rights and equal justice that the United States Constitution ensures for all its citizens.”
    [What a bellicose and glorifying language by the federal government]
  2. “King, building on the tradition of civil disobedience and passive resistance earlier expressed by Thoreau, Tolstoy, and Gandhi, waged a war of nonviolent direct action against opposing forces of racism and prejudice”
    [I am not sure whether any of the three named authorities would have agreed with MLK and his methods.]

The National Archives presents among other things an “exhibit is a flyer distributed in the name of MLK to sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee” wherein the second paragraph says “This will be a march of dignity. The only force we will use is soul-force which is peaceful, loving, courageous, yet militant” (emphasis added). Do I sense a huge contradiction here?

Why A Series Of Blogs About MLK

This is only the latest blog post in a series of blogs about MLK I have written. Here are the other blog posts:
Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Radical Zealot

As I said before, there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for the murder of MLK. However, the immense adoration for MLK, the martyr, should be reviewed. MLK was certainly no saint.

I would also guess that MLK has been exploited by liberals and Democrats.

Had MLK lived on, as we all wish and he himself wished, I would guess, we would see him today in a very different light.

I think, in many ways MLK was an irresponsible, obsessive single-minded leader deliberately fueling the flames and claiming non-violence in a time of a controversial war and severe anti-war tensions following the assassinations of JFK and Malcolm X.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Werner Sinn - A Dismal Economist

Posted: 1/17/2015


Just read “Economics and Its Critics” an opinion piece by Werner Sinn published on the Project Syndicate website. Prof. Sinn is one of the most best known and prominent economists in Germany.

The whole article is filled with dubious statements I would ascribe to a dismal economist. Most prominently, he criticizes a number of market failures when in fact we are dealing with government failures of various kind.

Who is Werner Sinn:
  1. Director of one of Germany’s best economic research institutes (Ifo Institut in Munich)
  2. A member of the advisory council of the German ministry of economics.
  3. An often quoted, interviewed economist in the German media

Economists Are Misunderstood And Met With Ignorance

According to Sinn: “But much current criticism of the [economics] profession is based on misunderstanding and ignorance.”

How To Defend Economists

In Prof Sinn’s words (emphasis added):
“[Economists are] Like sniffer dogs, they search the economy for such defects [of the invisible Hand or perfect competition] and ponder how they can be corrected through intelligent state intervention.”
[Since when are governments intelligent or more intelligent than free markets?]
“In this respect, economists are like doctors, who have to know what a healthy body looks like before they can diagnose disease and prescribe treatment. A good doctor does not intervene arbitrarily in the body’s processes, but only in cases where there is objective proof of a disease and an effective treatment can be prescribed.”
[This flawed analogy or metaphor used here by Prof. Sinn has left me speechless. As an economist myself, I would never get the idea to compare myself to a doctor or diagnose whether the economy is sick or healthy.]
Environmental regulation addresses a particularly striking example of market failure.”
[This nonsense has been taught to generations of students of economics! Many times it is government failure that lead to very harmful environmental consequences of economic activity.]
“Another malady that economists sometimes diagnose might be called “Keynes disease.” If demand is too weak, it can lead to a sharp drop in employment (because wages and prices are rigid in the short term). The disease can be cured with injections of public, debt-financed stimulus – like giving a cardiac patient doses of nitroglycerin to keep his heart going.”
[No comment necessary anymore. Just awful!]
“Contrary to what many think, there is no fundamental bias against this [Keynesian] medicine in mainstream economics today.”
[Prof. Sinn names exactly the fundamental problem of economics today that mainstream believes in long debunked Keynesian therapies to use his language.]
“Competition among providers of complementary goods or services is harmful, and can be even worse than a monopoly. (That is why train drivers and pilots, for example, should be forced into monopoly unions that represent all of the other employees of their respective companies.)”
[I am not sure what Sinn is trying to say here. However, he wants to force train drivers and pilots into some kind of monopoly unions? Again, a statist, paternalistic economist is coming out here.]
“The market failures that initially give rise to public-sector intervention tend to recur internationally, which means that competition between states is usually not efficient, either. Examples include competition between welfare states to deter economic migrants, the race to the bottom in taxation, and regulatory rivalry in the banking and insurance sectors. Competition, contrary to what many on the right believe, is not always good.”
[There is a lot to be said about this nonsense too, but I am afraid, for the sake of brevity … First, all these cited examples are not related to competition based on market economies, these are distortions brought about by failed government policies, e.g. outlandish welfare states or overtaxation and so on.]
“By ensuring that policies respond to flaws in the rules of the game, not to individuals’ fallibility or irrationality, this “methodological individualism” saves us from dictatorial paternalism.”
[I don’t know in which world Prof. Sinn is living, but governmental paternalism or statism has spread and expanded tremendously in basically all Western democracies.]
Banks that grant risky loans on too little equity illustrate the analytical value of homo economicus particularly clearly. Their profits are privatized, but any losses exceeding their equity are dumped on their creditors, or, even better for them, on the taxpayers. This asymmetry turns banking into a casino: The house always wins. Banks choose particularly risky investment projects, which may be profitable but are economically damaging.”
[Perhaps, Prof. Sinn is naive or willfully blind or is he a Marxist. Were it not for decades of bank bailouts by governments (in particular in the U.S.); governments pushing affordable housing policies; too cozy relationships between high finance and government; ridiculously low government (via central banks) enforced interest rates; and a government mandated deposit insurance, the markets and bank customers would punish imprudent banks.]
“The problem is not caused by human irrationality; on the contrary, it arises precisely because bankers are acting rationally. As we know from environmental regulation, preaching common sense or ethics to bankers will not help; but changing bankers’ incentives – by, say, requiring higher equity-asset ratios – would work wonders.”

[Prof. Sinn is absolutely right that bankers acted rationally because of decades old implicit bailout guarantee by governments also called too big to fail. Especially, the U.S. government since the 1930s has imposed strict regulations and oversight of the financial sector, but this did not prevent the savings and loans debacle in the 1980s or the financial crisis of 2008. To think that more government control like higher equity-asset rations is baloney and wishful thinking. Has Prof. Sinn forgotten that the Basel III Accords (an agreement between state governments) exempted government bonds and mortgage debt.]