Monday, January 20, 2025

How Trump could try to stay in power after his second term ends. Really!

Published promptly on Inauguration day by what appears to be a leftist professor in a leftist media outlet!

Welcome to another four years of Trump Derangement Syndrome!

"The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution ... Some have argued that since Trump’s terms were nonconsecutive, the amendment doesn’t apply to him. But the amendment makes no distinction between consecutive and nonconsecutive terms in office.

Though the 22nd Amendment prohibits Trump from being elected president again, it does not prohibit him from serving as president beyond Jan. 20, 2029. The reason for this is that the 22nd Amendment only prohibits someone from being “elected” more than twice. It says nothing about someone becoming president in some other way than being elected to the office. ..."

How Trump could try to stay in power after his second term ends "Think Donald Trump can’t be president after his second term is up in January 2029? Think again."

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