Thursday, December 26, 2024

Scientists observe 'negative time' in quantum experiments

Amazing stuff or fata morgana or hype? Appears to be controversial! I am not sure what to make of this research.

"... The researchers emphasize that these perplexing results highlight a peculiar quirk of quantum mechanics rather than a radical shift in our understanding of time. ..."

From the abstract:
"When a pulse of light traverses a material, it incurs a time delay referred to as the group delay. Should the group delay experienced by photons be attributed to the time they spend as atomic excitations? However reasonable this connection may seem, it appears problematic when the frequency of the light is close to the atomic resonance, as the group delay becomes negative in this regime. To address this question, we use the cross-Kerr effect to probe the degree of atomic excitation caused by a resonant transmitted photon, by measuring the phase shift on a separate beam that is weak and off-resonant. Our results, over a range of pulse durations and optical depths, are consistent with the recent theoretical prediction that the mean atomic excitation time caused by a transmitted photon (as measured via the time integral of the observed phase shift) equals the group delay experienced by the light. Specifically, we measure mean atomic excitation times ranging from 
(−0.82±0.31)τ0 for the most narrow band pulse to (0.54±0.28)τ0 for the most broad band pulse, where τ 0 is the non-post-selected excitation time, given by the scattering (absorption) probability multiplied by the atomic lifetime τsp. These results suggest that negative values taken by times such as the group delay have more physical significance than has generally been appreciated."

Scientists observe 'negative time' in quantum experiments

Evidence of ‘Negative Time’ Found in Quantum Physics Experiment "Physicists showed that photons can seem to exit a material before entering it, revealing observational evidence of negative time"

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