Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Global Fertility Crisis Is Worse Than You Think. Really!

This propaganda and demagoguery about population is sickening and so primitive! More alarmism and hysteria! Humbug!

Demography is destiny, but not by simplistic population growth! Demography has been abused so many times in history: more taxpayers, more recruitment of better soldiers, racism etc. etc.

Less world human population might not be so bad for out planet and natural environment after it surged beginning 1950 from under 3 billion to now 8 billion humans roaming Earth. 

Improved and further improving longevity will also contribute to slow down any population decline.

In the coming age of machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI) we depend less on extraordinary smart people to improve our future.

"... Last year was the first time in human history that the global fertility rate fell below the replacement level. ...
Ehrlich, like many others, got it wrong. What he needed to worry about was declining birth rates and population collapse. ..."

The Global Fertility Crisis Is Worse Than You Think

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