Saturday, August 26, 2023

Sense of touch: Good vibrations and sexual pleasure

Amazing stuff!

"Sexual reproduction is essential for the survival of most species and is the principal driver of animal behavior and evolution. Mammals evolved to have elaborate mating rituals that involve visual, auditory, and olfactory displays. One of the most important elements of mating and copulation is touch, and for many humans, vibration too. Piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2 (PIEZO2) is a fundamental transducer of touch and vibration for the sensory neurons that innervate the skin. Although there is considerable literature on the role of PIEZO2 in various bodily functions, less is known about its role in genital touch. On page 906 of this issue, Lam et al. (1) reveal the necessity of PIEZO2 for sexual touch and copulation in mice and humans. Their results both illustrate how sensory neurons in the genital sub-regions can detect gentle stimuli that promote sexual response, and suggest possible therapeutic targets for sexual dysfunction."

From the editor's note and the abstract:
"Editor’s summary
It is well known that the genitals are unusually sensitive, and that genital touch is crucial for mating and associated pleasure, but the underlying basis is not completely understood. By studying mice and humans with a rare inherited mechanosensory syndrome, Lam et al. identified a mechanism involving the mechanoreceptor PIEZO2 that is responsible for determining genital sensitivity ... Their results highlight the importance of touch for driving physiological responses needed for sexual function. The identification of PIEZO2 and a specific type of touch neuron as key mediators might help in the development of therapeutic approaches for both hypo- and hypersensitivity that interfere with the enjoyment of sex. ...
Despite the potential importance of genital mechanosensation for sexual reproduction, little is known about how perineal touch influences mating. We explored how mechanosensation affords exquisite awareness of the genitals and controls reproduction in mice and humans. Using genetic strategies and in vivo functional imaging, we demonstrated that the mechanosensitive ion channel PIEZO2 (piezo-type mechanosensitive ion channel component 2) is necessary for behavioral sensitivity to perineal touch. PIEZO2 function is needed for triggering a touch-evoked erection reflex and successful mating in both male and female mice. Humans with complete loss of PIEZO2 function have genital hyposensitivity and experience no direct pleasure from gentle touch or vibration. Together, our results help explain how perineal mechanoreceptors detect the gentlest of stimuli and trigger physiologically important sexual responses, thus providing a platform for exploring the sensory basis of sexual pleasure and its relationship to affective touch."

Good vibrations | Science The role of a mechanosensitive ion channel in sexual behavior is unveiled

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