Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Biden announces reelection campaign. What a joke!

Let the Dimocratic Party suffer as much as possible for hiding their candidate in the basement!

The man had a chance to go down in history as a great president had he resigned for health reasons about two years ago!

Beware of the emerging gerontocracy in Western countries!

The rest of the world is bewildered how this happened in the United States that a senile and demented man could become a presidential candidate! The adversaries of the West are celebrating and taking advantage!

The Dedollarisation is ongoing and accelerating! The Pax American or U.S. based world order is falling apart faster!

A brief summary of the 46th President goes like this:
He is senile and demented, a frequent pathological liar throughout his long political career, a seriously compromised lifelong career politician, a terrible opportunist, the head of the Biden clan with their shady foreign dealings.

Biden announces reelection campaign | Just The News

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