Monday, May 02, 2022

Ibram X. Kendi at Harvard University: One lie leads to another until we tell the truth about slavery. Really!

Why this ivy league university is part of this propaganda and demagoguery is appalling!

To invite such a demagogue and pseudoscientist like Ibram X. Kendi (Professor at Boston University, OMG) as a keynote speaker to an event held by Harvard University is absurd and grotesque!

Slavery was a global entrenched institution among humans of all backgrounds for thousands of years. Who sold Africans into slavery to Westerners and Arabs/Muslims, a lot of other Africans. Did Africans in Africa have their own slaves? You bet!

Who is the liar? Ibram X. Kendi is a gigantic liar!

One lie leads to another until we tell the truth – Harvard Gazette Kendi, Simmons welcome Harvard report on ties to slavery as step toward wider reckoning with ‘massive moral ill’

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