Thursday, February 03, 2022

Going forward after the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 global pandemic

 What seems to be clear is that following will happen:

  1. More routine monitoring of wastewater and the like
  2. More routine testing of wild animals for viruses and so forth
  3. More research into diagnostics and treatments of virus caused diseases
  4. The origins of the virus need to be further investigated. Why was the lab leak hypothesis suppressed and dismissed? E.g. how was it possible that high risk virus research was outsourced by the West to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in circumvention of Western safety regulations?
  5. The colossal failures of Western government responses to this global pandemic need to be thoroughly analyzed and corrected. Safety was overemphasized over individual liberty and more. Irrationality and dishonesty ruled!
However, if humanity has learnt something from this global pandemic:
  1. We can beat any virus in rapid time! 
  2. Incompetent, lifelong career politicians dominate in Western democracies

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