Friday, November 12, 2021

IAI unveils new defensive electronic warfare systems

Impressive! Don't mess with David!

"Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) unveiled a family of new electronic warfare (EW) systems on Thursday which can combat a range of threats, including UAVs, ships, missiles and radar systems.
The Scorpius family of systems scans the entire surrounding area for targets and deploys narrowly focused beams to interfere with multiple threats across the electromagnetic spectrum. The system effectively disrupts the operation of electromagnetic systems, including radar, electronic sensors, navigation and data communications.
Scorpius has unprecedented receiver sensitivity and transmission power, allowing it to detect and address multiple threats of different kinds simultaneously from much farther distances than it was able to do in the past. ..."

IAI unveils new defensive electronic warfare systems - The Jerusalem Post Israel Aerospace Industries unveiled a family of new electronic warfare systems to combat a range of threats with targeted beams.

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