Thursday, November 18, 2021

Goethe-Institut: Cultural Resistance: Visualizing a Nuclear-Free World

This is paid for by German taxpayers and promoted by the German government! So naive, so pathetic! What makes a banana republic!

To conflate nuclear power and nuclear weapons is pure demagoguery! Nuclear power is one of the most viable alternatives to fossil fuel based energy!

"Presented by Beyond Nuclear, Goethe-Institut, and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung North America. How do we advocate for an end to nuclear power and nuclear weapons?

Beyond research papers and speeches, articles and fact sheets, and protests on the streets, can a painter, a fashion designer, and a creative performance director convey the same urgency about our nuclear peril? ..."

Discussion: Cultural Resistance: Visualizing a Nuclear-Free World - Goethe-Institut USA

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