Saturday, May 01, 2021

Protons' antimatter is even more lopsided than we thought

Recommendable! We don't even understand the proton yet, but we are told to rely on climate models to predict accurately until 2100 AD and base enormous policy decisions on it. Ludicrous!

"... The two up quarks and the single down quark that comprise the proton in the simplest picture account only for a few per cent of the proton mass, the bulk of which is in the form of quark kinetic and potential energy and gluon energy from the strong force ...
Here we provide evidence from muon pair production measurements that these distributions are considerably different, with more abundant down antimatter quarks than up antimatter quarks over a wide range of momenta."

Protons' antimatter is even more lopsided than we thought | Science News In the sloshing sea of particles within a proton, down antiquarks outnumber up antiquarks

Here is the underlying research article:

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