Thursday, May 06, 2021

Integrated trajectories of the maternal metabolome, proteome, and immunome predict labor onset

Good news! Better predictions of labor onset!

Did you know that in the 21st year of the 21st century: "Estimating the time of delivery is of high clinical importance because pre- and postterm deviations are associated with complications for the mother and her offspring. However, current estimations are inaccurate." 

Is this not peculiar given that we are to believe climate models that supposedly can predict a 1-2 degrees Celsius increase in global climate towards the end of the century!

"... “Preterm labor is the number one cause of child mortality under the age of five in the world,” says Brice Gaudillière, an anesthesiologist at Stanford University Medical Center and a coauthor of the paper. ..."

"... They identified a surge in IL-1R4 and steroid hormones in the weeks before delivery, which was coordinated with a switch from immune activation to regulation of inflammatory responses. ..."

"... Here, a longitudinal study was conducted in 63 women who went into labor spontaneously. More than 7000 plasma analytes and peripheral immune cell responses were analyzed using untargeted mass spectrometry, aptamer-based proteomic technology, and single-cell mass cytometry in serial blood samples collected during the last 100 days of pregnancy. ..."

Integrated trajectories of the maternal metabolome, proteome, and immunome predict labor onset | Science Translational Medicine (no public access)

Blood Biomarkers Predict the Onset of Labor: Study Researchers integrated information from 45 protein, metabolite, and immune data points to identify a window two to four weeks before a pregnant person will go into labor.

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