Tuesday, May 11, 2021

IBM's CodeNet dataset aims to train AI to tackle programming challenges

Good news! Better tools for software developers are always welcome and have great potential!

E.g. Google Search is a fairly lousy tool for a software developer to look for solutions to well known issues etc. (Bing is not much better). I have used Google Search frequently for Javascript and Python. Often times, the search results are outdated or of little relevance or are spam!

"... According to a study ... programmers spend 50.1% of their work time not programming; half of the rest of their time is spent debugging. And the total estimated cost of debugging is $312 billion per year. AI-powered code suggestion and review tools, then, promise to cut development costs substantially while enabling coders to focus on more creative, less repetitive tasks. ...
CodeNet focuses specifically on the problems of code translation, code similarity, and code constraints. The goal is to advance the development of AI systems that can automatically translate code into another programming language, identify overlaps and similarities between different sets of code, and customize constraints based on a developer’s specific needs and parameters.
Programming language translation could be especially useful, given that migrating an existing codebase to a modern or more efficient language like Java or C++ requires expertise in both the source and target languages. ...
IBM isn’t the only company pursuing AI-driven code completion and auditing. Codota is developing a platform that suggests and autocompletes scripts in Python, C, HTML, Java, Scala, Kotlin, and JavaScript. Ponicode taps AI to check the accuracy of code, and DeepCode is developing an AI-powered system for whole-app code reviews (as are Amazon and Intel). Perhaps one of the most impressive projects to date is TransCoder, an AI transcompiler Facebook researchers developed to convert code from one programming language into another. Another contender is a model from OpenAI that was trained on GitHub repositories to generate entire functions from English-language comments."

IBM's CodeNet dataset aims to train AI to tackle programming challenges | VentureBeat

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