Monday, December 07, 2020

NASA selects four companies for moon material collection as it seeks to set precedent on private sector outer space mining

Amazing stuff! When will the first vacationer travel to the moon?

" ... There were four winners, each with a different ride out, which will seek to satisfy the conditions of NASA’s request, which is basically to collect a lunar regolith (essentially what we call “soil” on the moon) in an amount ranging from between 50 grams to 500 grams, with retrieval to be handled separately by NASA at a later date. The samples had to be collected before 2024 as part of the request ...
The agency received 22 proposals in total, between 16 and 17 companies. ..."

"... with bids ranging from $1 (yes) to $15,000 – peanuts in space terms. ..."

NASA selects four companies for moon material collection as it seeks to set precedent on private sector outer space mining | TechCrunch

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