Monday, December 07, 2020

Chinese Acquisitions of Western Tech Firms Are Only Part of the Problem

Very recommendable! Did not Stalin muse that “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”? But Stalin was a crude and primitive dictator compared with the sophistication of the Communist Party of China. 

What kind of access does the West have to high technology development in the business sector of China?

"... In Sweden, for example, between 2014 and 2019, Chinese buyers acquired 51 Swedish firms and bought minority stakes in 14 additional ones. The acquisitions also included some 100 subsidiaries. Most worrisome, in 2018, Chinese outfits—two of them linked to the military—bought three cutting-edge Swedish semiconductor start-ups. In 2017, Imagination—a top British chipmaker—was acquired by a firm owned by a state-controlled Chinese investment outfit. Before that, a Chinese firm bought the leading German industrial robot-maker, Kuka. ... At the Cambridge Science Park, which is owned by the University of Cambridge and home to some 120 cutting-edge tech firms, the United Kingdom’s first private 5G network is about to be launched. The two firms behind the network are Cambridge-based Cambridge Wireless and Huawei, ... Despite being banned by the British government from providing equipment for the country’s 5G network, the firm is jointly building and deploying the 5G network. ...
Here’s the challenge for Western governments: Because these [venture capital] firms are not obliged to disclose their limited partners, nobody knows how many Western start-ups have received Chinese venture-capital funding—much less what those start-ups are. Even more worrisome is the fact that the limited partners may well be connected to the Chinese government. According to a 2018 Reuters investigation, no fewer than 20 Silicon Valley venture-capital firms have Chinese limited partners linked to Chinese government entities. ..."
You get the idea!

Chinese Acquisitions of Western Tech Firms Are Only Part of the Problem. Secret Venture Capital Is Handing Power to Beijing. Chinese acquisitions of Western firms are only part of the problem. Secret venture capital is handing power to Beijing under the radar.

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