Monday, December 07, 2020

It’s no mystery: Millions of people split voted specifically against Trump

Nice try by the American Enterprise Institute to explain the massive election irregularities in favor of Joseph Biden. 

The author of this article, James P. Carney, is supposedly a libertarian (according to Cato Institute) and a senior columnist with the Washington Examiner. Many believe libertarians are wishy-washy, unprincipled, and are not to be taken seriously. He might be an exemplar! 

So the "mystery" of vote splitting explains it? What a baloney! This is so laughable! As if we had millions of vote splitters more than in previous elections. Why would this massive vote splitting not worked for Trump? Are there no Democratic voters that don't like Joseph Biden?
And the vote splitting occurred predominantly in about six major urban centers across as many states, all controlled by the Dimocratic Party, that suddenly gave Joseph Biden the lead after being far behind? What a fairy tale! 

"... The fact is ticket-splitting is perfectly normal behavior. It used to be much more normal. People often vote for their preferred candidate despite, or regardless of, party. Why millions would ticket-split in a very particular way is supposedly the mystery. ...
There’s plenty of evidence that many Republican voters voted against Clinton in 2016 and then against Trump in 2020. The explanation for this is simple: Hillary was awful, and so is Trump." 

It’s no mystery: Millions of people voted specifically against Trump | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

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