Thursday, September 10, 2020

Don’t let China steal the global nuclear-power industry

Recommendable! Saudi Arabia is not the only country to which China has been trying to sell nuclear technology!

"In a major blow to the US nuclear-energy industry, China is reportedly helping Saudi Arabia create a facility to produce uranium “yellowcake” from uranium ore. The deal is further evidence that America’s anti-nuclear energy policies are pushing US allies into the arms of our illiberal and undemocratic rivals. ... Indeed, that NPT [Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty] provision is why the United States and Europe have allowed Iran to pursue uranium enrichment. Saudi Arabia views the US double standard toward Iran as insulting. ... D[i]mocrats continue to push for the closure of nuclear plants. The United States plans to close 12 reactors by 2025 and could lose half of the rest of its reactors over the next decade. ... Some nuclear-industry officials hope that the US will, in the future, “leapfrog” over China and Russia with smaller “modular” reactor designs, micro-reactors, and radical new reactor-coolant combinations such as those being pursued by Bill Gates. But China and Russia are already far ahead on building and selling small, modular and radical designs, as well as the standard water-cooled ones most nations have chosen since the 1950s."

Don’t let China steal the global nuclear-power industry

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