Wednesday, September 09, 2020

A Molecular Approach to Quantum Computing


"In the new paper, this concept [error-correcting scheme, known as GKP] is applied to rotating molecules in superposition. If the orientation or angular momentum of the molecule shifts by a small amount, those shifts can be simultaneously corrected. ... "The appeal of molecules is that they are very complex structures that can be very densely packed," says Covey. "If we can figure out how to utilize molecules in quantum computing, we can robustly encode information and improve the efficiency in which qubits are packed." ..."

"... polyatomic molecule ..."
Sometimes scientists try to dazzle their audience with fancy language. Are not basically all molecules polyatomic by definition?

A Molecular Approach to Quantum Computing | New research demonstrates how the use of molecules in quantum computing leads to fewer errors

Here is the link to the underlying research paper (open access):
Robust encoding of a qubit in a molecule

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