Saturday, June 22, 2019

Compensated Emancipation Of Slaves

Posted: 6/22/2019

An Unnecessary War

I have long and repeatedly argued here that the American Civil War was totally unnecessary and unconstitutional! Secession of states was legal, but the preservation of the union by any means including war was blatantly illegal!

The negative ramifications of the American Civil War have been many and they still affect today. Big Government is one of the consequences of this civil war!

Compensated Emancipation

I have to thank Larry Elder to direct my attention to this subject in one of his recent Facebook posts. However, Larry Elder quoted the Independent article (S1) in support of defeating those ridiculous compensation claims by the left!

Whether you like it or not, compensated emancipation (S2) was certainly one way to end slavery without blood shed! In their great wisdom, Great Britain and other countries chose this route to end slavery! “The British Empire enacted a policy of compensated Emancipation for its colonies in 1833, followed by Denmark, France in 1848, and the Netherlands in 1863.” (S2; emphasis added)

So the U.S. Congress as well as the northern states egregiously failed to pass legislation to compensate slave owners despite the obvious lessons of these European countries! So failed the abolitionists to come together and offer to buy slaves in large numbers or to compensate individual slave owners to give up slavery!

“Only in the District of Columbia, which fell under direct Federal auspices, was compensated emancipation enacted. On April 16, 1862, President Lincoln signed the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act. This law prohibited slavery in the District, forcing its 900-odd slaveholders to free their slaves, with the government paying owners an average of about $300 for each.” (S2; emphasis added)

Sources (S):

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