Sunday, June 18, 2017

Why Humans Need A Computer Brain Interface Fast

Posted: 6/18/2017

Will I Be A Witness In My Remaining Lifetime

Blessed are those who have perfect photographic memory lasting over long periods of time. But, I am afraid, few people do.

A computer brain interface would go way beyond photographic memory to tapping into and fast processing of all the available knowledge ever collected by humans in the past.

I have little doubt that one day our brains (plus our body) are integrated with computers in some form or shape. Computers may evolve into biological computers as well.

Huge Benefits

Let me attempt to collect some benefits here (by far not exhaustive):
  1. Instantaneous and independent self education about any subject conceivable and in any depth you may choose in the shortest amount of time possible. Denis Diderot would be truly amazed!
  2. Lies will have even shorter legs than today. Propaganda and demagoguery of the kind we have experienced in the past to fool people will become a lot more difficult
  3. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment of medical issues will be much easier. Mental and physical health will be constantly checked up by the computer

Caveat Emptor

As any other technology, it can be abused! There will be powers that will attempt to do exactly that! Citizens beware!

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