Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Obscene How The Left And The Democrats Want President Trump To Be Assassinated

Posted: 6/13/2017 Updated: 5/14/2017

Update Of 5/14/2017

Guess, this blog post of mine was not a day to early. Very prescient!

Within a few hours of posting this blog, the American people woke up this morning to find out that a man who who publicly expressed his hate towards President Trump and was a follower of socialist Bernie Sanders became the perpetrator of a mass shooting. His victims GOP members and staff of the U.S. Congress, being shot at multiple times during the morning baseball practice, several people were injured. The shooter is believed to have died in the ensuing shootout with police.

Unconscionable Incitement Of Violence

Pray for President Trump that no psychopath attempts to kill him! Pray for the Secret Service not to fail the president!

The left and their enablers, the Democrats, on the other hand, are trying, almost every day, incessantly everything to fuel or incite violence directed at the president. This is truly despicable!

The Sick And Dangerous!

Latest we learn of this Shakespeare Caesar play in New York, which alludes to Trump as Caesar.
Then there was this deranged comedian Kathy Griffin with a picture of herself and a severed head of the president. Earlier, there was Madonna wishing to blow up the White House! This is very sick and dangerous!

Endless False Accusations!

Then there is the constant barrage of false claims by Democrats that the president ought to be impeached, that he obstructed justice, that he violated the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution, that he colluded with the Russians and so on. Endless, false accusations without a scintilla of evidence!
It is outrageous!

The Way Too Many Republican Cowards

Worse of all, the Republicans are very timid to pushback against this daily cabal since Trump’s inauguration! They are playing along like fools! It is too serious to be ignored!

Reagan Forgotten

A stark reminder, Reagan was nearly assassinated in 1981! It is high time to remind the elected representatives of all parties that this is a very serious matter! This witch hunt against the president needs to end, ASAP!

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