Sunday, February 05, 2017

Goebbels Like Propaganda Returned To Germany In Wake Of Trump Presidency

Posted: 2/5/2017

I am deeply shocked how the once internationally respected weekly news magazine “Der Spiegel” could degenerate so much to publish this cover:

“Der Spiegel” was founded shortly after World War II and was for decades the leading weekly news magazine in Germany. It has become a lousy tabloid.

To portray a president of the United States (oldest, continuous democracy) as an ISIS killer is insane and disgusting. So far the new president of the U.S. has actually already done more to restore freedom in the U.S. in two weeks in office, than Obama or Bush Jr. have done in 16 years.

The quality of this anti Trump propaganda has reached levels comparable to Goebbels's infamous hate propaganda against Jews.

And this is only the latest low point of an incessant leftist, hysterical propaganda drive in Germany’s mainstream media and on TV stations (most German TV stations are run by the government)  to discredit president Trump. It is incredible!

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